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Everything posted by Alpha.s1

  1. 265 on a marui pistol probably isnt far off the usual mark, how does the pistol shoot as is now, range accuracy wise ? You can go up a gas, or use propane if you want, probably wont make anything explode
  2. Alpha.s1

    What should be done

    Honestly just forget about doing anything at all, it doesn't matter once its in your hands, the defence is to buy, owning it doesn’t break any laws , if you’ve bought it and its not two tone then your not going to have a firearms team storm your home over it, as long as your not a dickhead and go waving it around down the street that is
  3. Had a Tm mp7 GBBR for about 7 years, still completely stock internally other than the inner barrel and hop rubber (hop rubber was wear and tear) mags can be leaky after a while, but gasket seal around the baseplate sorts this, all my original 6 mags work perfectly still , the 2 i bought a few years later are fine without any sealer, range and accuracy has always been great, can compete with most full size rifles. maintenance wise, it does need a clean every now and then, but once you get the hang of this its fairly simple. ive used green gas and abbey Brut sniper gas for years with no issues, did run a couple of mags with propane right at the start, but it didn’t seem necessary issues wise mine has a sleepy trigger thats only just turned up, haven't had it apart to check it out yet but should be easy enough to fix. overall it has been a firm favourite for years, often I've chosen to use it instead of my Ghk for longer events,
  4. Cerakote is expensive as it is, painting will look naff, not sure about anodising but cant imagine its cheap, unless you happen to know the right guy. just buy new parts, itll be far cheaper.
  5. A bit confused how they manage to find 400 odd people to give them money tbh, as far as i can remember these events, have the worst possible reputation, the last 3 at the very least have the exact same issues, 8 Marshall's - 400 players, unique site, but no idea how to actually run the site, weird inconsistent rulesets. 1 time it could be forgiven, if they improved, but doing it over and over is ridiculous. by the stories coming out each event you'd think this was their first run, not going on for 7 years now.
  6. Sorry, had to go back and double check, my npas was the fg airsoft adjustable nozzle, which doesnt seem to be made anymore, got myself mixed up😅 but the fg airsoft one was rubbish, would be good if the RA tech version is better my bad for getting confused over what i bought a few years back😅 the new feed lips look really cool, and i almost ponied up for a set, for me i ended up using a round file and widening the standard lips slightly, cant say if its stopped any potential cracks yet, but made them easier to load, and haven’t suffered any side effects of that yet
  7. Thanks for the heads-up on that
  8. Similar situation here, love the gun, personally found stock hop to be great, but nice to see the aftermarket works for you. nozzle situation, the adjustable npas nozzle for me is substandard, i lost all consistency accuracy wise, even ended up with it jamming more often, the 1J is the best option, mine was just in the limits on .28s the other weekend, on nuprol green, personally thinking to try a slightly weaker gas and see how that goes.
  9. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone would be able to pinpoint whether this particular item has any resale value or not i know its the the Metal Deepfire M72 Law, it does function and can fire tag rounds, obviously as you can see its not the best example, though they are quite rare, I'm aware that the market for them is also a bit slim thanks
  10. Thats fair, its more the sake of compatibility than anything, the availability of kenwood 2 pin accessories is overwhelmingly more abundant and cost effective in the airsoft world. but at the end of the day its your kit and your choices, and other than that one thing the radio will work exactly for what you want it to do, and will likely do so for a long time, barring a lemon
  11. You might want to pick a variant with the standard 2 pin kenwood headset connection, whatever the 9r uses looks proprietary and you'll find it difficult to find any decent compatible headsets or mics. uv5rs are usually perfectly fine, but the QC on the headset connector on them is beyond shit, and generally leads to some connection issues, but thats what you get with cheap radios, that issue is sorted in their most recent stuff i think, but still run into people with uv5rs with that issue
  12. Not that i don't think its a complete ripoff (95% of DCA stuff is) as a cerakote is virtually pointless for us, but if some poor sod did want to cerakote a brand new mws it would probably end up costing at the least that much. didnt realise the MWS was cerakote as standard, supposedly, my bad, even more of a ripoff then😅
  13. From the bit of it you can see, it looks to be one of the various jpc style clone cheapo airsoft rigs. That'll get you started on google at least, I doubt your looking for crye level, but Warrior assault systems stuff is decent enough for the price, or tmc repro stuff on aliexpress is good, don't bother with ebay, unless your looking for real steel secondhand kit, the ebay sellers only ship it from the same factories anyway for a healthy premium most of the time, just be prepared for some kit to be disappointing at those prices, either that or youll think its the best thing ever until you try the more expensive brands of kit ala crye, c2r, ferro
  14. Had the TM mp7 for about 6 years now, by far my most favourite gun and the most reliable, used it hot and cold and once the mag base plates have been sealed its been flawless other than a hop rubber change in all that time, run it on abbey sniper gas most of the time, used .28s and never had a problem, a lot of guys say the nozzle is prone to breaking but i seem to have gotten one that refuses to break😂 cant comment much on the umarex/vfc one too much, had hands on with the new gen AEG and wasn't majorly impressed with the exterior looks (the TM finish felt much better) though the guy using it thought quite highly of its performance.
  15. Very clearly the brand new AK74u Challenge kit from JBBG, custom paintjob included
  16. Agree with trig , survey needs to be structured, maybe a survey for each sport, rather than each page having 2 for each, replies as well, written better, and at least attempt to make it relevant to where your posting it? A lot of people wouldnt even bother with that survey, and how would those vague questions lead to improvements in equipment? I didnt answer anything about any gear or anything. Maybe you should head back to the drawing board with this survey?
  17. Had 1 as my starter gun, from the start of 2015 still going reliably, while it is plastic, it is a nice plastic so to speak, and you don't really notice the difference, i did replace the standard rail with a cheapo metal keymod rail, which fit easily enough, it takes a special tool to get the barrel nut off though. Ive had no issues as of the moment, range could be better, but being a combat machine, its t be expected. Hope that helps as a amateur view (Oops missed a year out i mean 2014, lost track a bit)
  18. By the looks of it, on the website if your undermounting or side mounting you'll need to buy keymod rail sections, if you haven't already, unless the torch is keymod, also from the description, it looks like that gun doesnt come with extra keymod sections, don't know if you know as much, but i do see no one else has mentioned that part
  19. Youve split the reciever first before attempting install right? If not do that, and them fit the adapter piece, before attaching the rail, the rail should come with a small instruction set explaining? Not in the country atm otherwise id give you some pictures, apologies if that makes no sense
  20. Its good to know they have actually been used to some effect, Fair enough, and yeah i've seen the discussions, and tbh i agree with not using on standard skirmish sites, far too close range to even bother, i was thinking more the milsim side, i might just get a standalone launcher, at least until i can find myself a 320
  21. True, never seen one used in a skirmish yet, partially why i held off so long before looking, and the tm concept is definitely a good one, as you said it is expensive, and not much good for the tag rounds, which I'm far too excited about to not get my hands on some
  22. Sounds about right tbf, not many people would want the increased weight on top of an already heavy rifle, saved my wallet a little bit of stress though, i'll have to keep my eyes peeled
  23. Understood lozart, no sa80 gl for me then Might just be a case of hoping 1 comes up for sale used sooner or later
  24. Thanks for both the links, didnt even think of asking ares direct, now i think of it, i'm not sure how much modifying it would need to fit a g&g and allow a battery, and proffrink, no problem, i wasnt aware g&p's gl range was that large, so i learnt something at least
  25. Hi Been looking for 1 of these for quite some time now, i've seen the Tokeo Marui model, though the inner barrels is a problem, as i'd like to hopefully run TAG rounds from the launcher, i've seen the Guarder and iron airsoft models, though i havent seen any in stock anywhere at all. Any suggestions, advice on where to get one, or any more knowledge than the little i possess would be gratefully received. Unfortunately for my wallet, this is for an l85a2 so an m203 would look very out of place, and the l85 gl handguard is next to non existent Thank you in advance
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