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Posts posted by shortman

  1. On 09/10/2018 at 19:31, Adolf Hamster said:

    there was a thread on here a while back with a fella wanting advice on how to play with 1 arm.


    the equipment is going to vary wildly based on the specific disability, and i'd imagine anyone with a disability is going to do what the rest of us do in terms of just cobbling, bodging and manufacturing a setup that works for them.



    this is bang on realy, as posted by jedi i asked a long time back for my brother, and he has since played a good few times inc an afuk mall game a year or two back. We just bodge stuff or try things out if it works great if it doesnt we bin it off and try other things. Id go it to more detail but i think the op has tripped over thier keyboard wire and died by the lack of response.

  2. Freedom of speech makes most things fine, but on the same vien as deebo's thread if you have nothing nice to say aboutthis nice FREE forum..........


    As for getting things changed we all have lives, families, commitments etc, so you waited 6months for a new sub forum sacarathe, my mum has waited 6years for me to put two lights up in her house......you will live. And one day im sure a new hpa sub forum will appeare and it will be lovley suprise for you :)


    As for a 3 letter search function thats a no brainer and a must when so many things in airsoft use as little as 2/3 letters.


    For now lets all have a group hug!!!

  3. I use plastidip for waterproofing my electronic throttle unit in my rc cars & boats plus the servos for steering etc

    In airsoft, about the only thing you could use it for is the soldered contacts on the trigger units & solder joints of battery connectors before heatshrink is applied but if your that worried about water getting in, insulation tape around the seems of gearbox

    With the deans connector, I put bigger heatshrink over the connector & solder joints (obviously each solder joints has heatshrink) to reduce water getting in

    Is uswd alot to coat grills and alloys, like a more durable spraypaint. Has a large range of colors available.

  4. Agree with the above. If it doesnt go bang its fair game you had a dud and life sucks for you as im going to shoot back as i wasnt "hit" due to a dud. As for bfg's if its not a dangerous throw then ill take a hit as fairs fair and in the heat of the game sometimes people will slightly over throw and release a little high, any under arm throw is a valid throw in my book. Player b is a cheat and a jobs-worth.

  5. I totally igree with you. I just think that unfortunately we have alot of people who dont seem to care what damage they do to thier body long term for the here and now "benifit" they feel through doing what they are doing.


    Hence charging people to use a service would maybe make them rethink what they are doing after a few hospital bills are paid. My gf works for the nhs and i think its shocking some of the costs envolved in helping self inflicted illness!!

  6. Because the dramatically increased risk of mouth cancer from idiocy is not worth diverting taxpayers money to over someone who isn't an idiot with their health (but has still ended up with another life-threatening disease). It's the same reason why type-2 diabetes should be unacceptable - it costs money to treat these people, a lot of money for everyone.


    The NHS is a safety-net and if it needs to get used then of course so be it, but people must realise that if they take these risks then the bill is picked up by everyone else if something does go wrong. Over something so silly, well documented and downright unnecessary as snus I just don't see why you'd see it as ok to put that risk into the hands of someone else, and that does need pointing out to certain people.

    On the same basis you could say that about any smoking related illness, alcahol based medical issues etc. The issue with people is just because the are sensible or healthy doesnt mean they wont do stupid things that risk thier health. The NHS should be run as a business and people should have to pay for certian treatments for self inflicted health issues but thats a topic for another thread.

  7. Why is this even being discussed? If the guy wants to take something let him. I care not for others and thiers only me and my own.


    I heard a great expression today "life is not a practice run" which makes me think that people are more than welcome to make a mistake that i can learn from to save me the hassle or stupid misfortune of making myself. The op is one of those people. So thanks mate :D added to the ever growing list of stupid things to not try snus.

  8. Overall rating (1 - 10): 10

    Would you deal with the trader again (Yes / No): Yes

    Any other comments: was a happy to hold the gun till i could come and collect it in person. Nice guy and a great gun. Dont let his low post count put you off dealing with him.

  9. I didnt get a code they had simply written rif on the shipping lable contents description so ups have stopped the package with thier customs department and have sent me an rif clasifications form that i meed to fill out to release the goods and confirm defence etc.


    Alot of agro for a handguard tbh!!

  10. Well i read a few online reviews of not so happy customers but decided to risk it as they where cheaper than evike for shipping and what i wanted can only be bought from the u.s.


    Shipping was quick but no tracking info was given even though the site said it would be. And have now got to jump through ups customs hoops as they labled a handguard as an RIF!!! So iv got forms to fill and deffence to prove. Not an issue as i have the defence but if you didnt have one (which you dont need for parts) you would be screwed as now its shipped under a lable classing it as an rif its being treated like an rif!!!


    Dont risk it is my advise there customer services are aslo ghosts who never reapond to you. Should of paid extra and bought from evike (who im not a fan of) but atleast the dont miss class items.

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