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ghostwalker last won the day on April 14 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Ics Cxp Mars SBR
    TM G3sg1 with wolverine inferno engine
    TM MP5 SD6
    TM FNX 45
  • Loadouts
    a 'Tears of the sun' impression of sorts or mostly just another mtp wearer
  • Sites
    combat thetford, combat action games, battleground airsoft, battle stations
  • Gender
  • Location
    North walsham, Norfolk Uk
  • Interests
    Just the usual stuff and a bit of a ww2 history buff.

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  1. Argh I hate mk23 mags. Plug one leak, another starts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostwalker


      I'm just trying to stop one's leaking thatvhad already had everything everyone recommends done in the past. New valves, new routers, even stripped down and out silicon sealant around the oring and sides to prevent the base leaks

    3. Impulse


      I tried fixing mine too and they were gas tight for a game day before they sprung a leak again, plus one of my gas tight ones also sprung a leak so I just said "screw it" and gave up on them. Fortunately I have a bunch of STTI mags that have been gas tight for years, so I just swapped the feed lips and gas routers over because the STTI feed lips are wank

    4. ghostwalker


      I'm hoping it's sorted for now but we shall see. Stripped them, cleaned every oring, re lubed all the ones on valves and then redid the sealant on the base plate and inside of the mag. They have geld gas for 12 hours so far

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