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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. You must have a duff one then. The only tracer I have seen work better than a Marui is the Xcortech and I have tried most of them.
  2. The Xcortech 501 is a very good tracer unit. Others to look at are the Tm and B&T.Ones not get are the dragon,madbull and G&G because they are just crap or over priced crap.
  3. Said it before and will say it again best tracer unit is the Xcortech X3300w in every way except battery life, thats a bitch.
  4. I use nuprol tracers now. I hated them at first but they have improved considerably of late. Seem to get less fliers with them than I did with blasters.
  5. Funny thing is I cant find any definite proof anywhere that anyone has got an airsoft gun even close to that.I doubt even using the high pressure air system and one of the high pressure/high flow rate regulators at work I could build a rig that would chuck a 0.2g bb out at that rate. If I am wrong and you have then much kudos. Edit: Actually I changed my mind if by some miracle (did Jesus bless your valves) that readings right then its just bad for airsoft. Enough people post things like that on the internet then I guarantee airsoft guns will get banned.
  6. Awful chronograph. Do a video using a professional shooting range chrono and clearly showing the fact its an airsoft gun then maybe I might believe it until then..... Cough#superbollocks#cough
  7. Am I the only one looking forward to feb 27th more than xmas?
  8. To be honest the barrel unless you have a really bad one is the least bang for buck upgrade in airsoft. Fitting a tightbore is the most common myth in airsoft and most of us fell for it at first. I have a prommy 6.01 and 6.03 stashed in a cardboard tube from when I made the same mistake.
  9. I am surprised Firesupport just use a standard spring they are generally better than that.I think they swap out the gears because there have been a few failures. Marui guns are generally well made but the gears are garbage, work great if left alone but dont like being messed with. Its all about balance with TM aegs once you mess with one thing something else usually gives up.
  10. Beat me to it. I was already saying an orga isnt a great idea in a recoil. I was just pointing out that they are the only two brands which make any real difference over decent stock barrels.
  11. First off the prommy barrels are ok and you haven't bought a duff one if your worried. Pdi are the straightest best finished barrels on the market. Their main ones are the 6.05mm which is great but to get the best results needs lapping but once done the difference is noticeable. Best off the shelf is their 6.08mm brilliantly finished and performs really well. The orgas are widebore 6.13 and 6.23 which can give great performance with a well set up hop. Good range and groupings arguably better than the pdi but I personally am on the fence. I wouldnt recommend the orga in the recoil though, in an aeg you want a gun to be firing 390fps before you put it in because it will lose about 40 to 50fps. Recoil gearboxes are not great for high torque builds. The problem with tightbores is that you can get a small increase in range but the accuracy isn't as good especially with grouping consistency.
  12. The eagle 6 spring mentioned above is just a shorter spring made for tm recoils.They use a slightly shorter spring to the standard aeg gearbox. Firesupport I would of thought would use a compatible spring when upgrading so wouldnt give that too much thought. Firesupport are a very well renowned store that dont have a habit of trying to rip people off so I would just trust their judgement. Tightbore is the only thing I wouldn't bother with it will give you a few more fps but is not so great for accuracy consistency. The TM barrels are fine and only really worth changing out for PDI or Orga. The bit in the middle was a bit unnecessary and wont win any friends though mate. Havent seen anybody post anything negative on your thread.
  13. Could be worse mate I havent played since the start of November and I am still recovering. Getting older isnt much fun.
  14. Dont mean to be funny but a fair amount of what you wrote in this thread comes across as condescending. Maybe you didnt mean it that way but its still a bit of a pot, kettle black situation.I think we all can post or read things that are taken wrong but its generally best just to let it go. Regarding the topic the answer is in the title. Opinions Its what we all have some like to spend lots and get the very best others dont and both choices are correct to the individual who makes it. Wouldnt it be boring if we all agreed and bought the same thing.
  15. Just check to see if its counterclockwise most are but you do get the odd one that isnt.Tracer units are generally ccw.
  16. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/krytac-trident-pdw-black.htm#.VnBtHi8Ybfs
  17. Sorry got to disagree with most of that. Hit taking can be crap but that the players not the venue and can happen anywhere. Never seen the staff be rude ever they like a laugh and joke occasionally but only ever give crap to the regulars. They definitely dont favour the regulars if anything they come down on you harder for any infractions because you know the rules. Bfg rules I agree with I have been hit by one that some twat threw down a corridor, a few inches higher and I would of caught it in the side of the head. Its too dark and too up close for lobbing round chunks of metal just use cardboard pyro, they are more fun anyway.
  18. I practice my fitness for airsoft by repeatedly running into walls. I find its the best preparation I can have I usually start training about a week before a normal skirmish and at least a month before a big event. To jazz it up I occasionally throw in a few suicide slides. I have almost cracked the embarrassed did anybody see that ninja jump up now.
  19. You made that up didnt you.😒 At least I made the effort to find a real thing for the acronym. F*cking yanks always have to have the last word, even when its wrong. 😉
  20. Mesh is fine.If the bb does break up and do through it doesnt do any real harm because all the energy is removed. Quick rinse with some eyewash and back at it.
  21. What has the United Kingdom Team Racing Association got to do with airsoft? Is sailing a defence now?
  22. Ouch that had to hurt. Not sure if you can really put that down to just the holster though. I think the hillbilly holding the gun had a fair bit to do with it also. Laughed so hard I nearly threw up.☺
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