I gotta say that this happened to me sunday... it was my first day too and I absolutely loved it, went wadding through the river, got caked in mud, shot some people, but some, didn't want to play ball.
Now not being funny but although I'm a noob at airsoft I can shoot, my gun was spot on with range and accuracy but some werent taking their hits and that did piss me off. Firstly whats the point in playing if you dont play properly plus you improve if you take the hit and learn from your mistake! Well same as you Kerby, I shot people on semi (no hit called) then let rip with full auto possibly the wrong thing do but what else?!
It was a great day and made some friends (ahhhh). There's talk of 'The Mall' on the 20th and 'Copehill' so I'm looking forward to those!
Got a nice pistolla kill too with my G26 (thanks monty for the sale on that lol )
Someone kindly lent me a camo shirt and hat, oh a mesh goggles as mine steamed up, but my vest was a god send ( ) so maybe look to get one of those or similar like n1ckh said.
Anyway glad you enjoyed it... what was your primary?