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Everything posted by Jambo88

  1. When have I been a dick? Is it because I brought up a dickish thing you've done?
  2. My friend shipped a lot of his stuff from Slovakia and it was the Slovakian post that held up his package it took about 15-20days in total. Give it a week then contact the carrier in the country you sent it from.
  3. You had a decent argument until you said the rest of the UK supports Scotland when infact that is not true. If you read what was said we were going to take a % of the national debt if we kept the pound and if we never we would walk debt free but really if we wanted to keep the pound it was up to us.
  4. This is a sub forum to discuss anything so barring anyone coming on giving it Braveheart or football factory for the English it's fine
  5. He should have just emptied a mag into them at point blank range.
  6. How exactly would Scotland fail? And it doesn't matter if your English or Irish i don't think I've been anti English. I've said I don't agree with being run from London and how the UK is run to suit London.
  7. Also if you were in Australia you would have a stick or something because Airsoft guns are not allowed.
  8. It wasn't me who brought independence up but it seems to be a weapon used in any debate now. Scotland voted no because there was a fear campain ran from westminister. Something that was promised before the referendum wouldn't happen. And the union was forced upon Scotland and I'm sure Wales also.
  9. Yeah the rest of the UK wouldn't deal with a company based in a different country . Most big company's are based in London anyway and what would a company gain by leaving Scotland?remember B&Q came out and said they would leave Scotland well they are anyway they are shutting a lot of stores. Our economy isn't based just on oil. What will Westminster do when the oil runs out? Leave Aberdeen to rot the way it left the coal towns of Scotland and the North of England to rot that's what they will do.To answer your other post Scotland would have a army similar to Ireland because that's all we need. We don't want to go into war with afghan farmers because the USA said so and london doesn't have the backbone to say no to war.
  10. But there must be a few your really against scrapping trident? Ring fencing NHS budget? Keeping higher education free? Using the money we get from North sea oil the same way Norway does? Investing in renewable energy? Letting people that live in Scotland decide who runs our affairs? Not getting involved in needless wars? Or is it breaking up a 300 year old Union that was forced upon us? the UK government has a massive hole in their budget that's why the UKs borrowing has doubled in the last 5years. the fact we're facting cut after cut after cut and industries are struggling because of lack of investment. Investment creates jobs bringing people off benefits or moving people away from poverty reducing the burden on the state.
  11. Who's and what policies do you disagree with exactly?
  12. Looks fun but I'm a geek. What do you win at the end?
  13. I done that once The other team threw a grenade and I ran into them and no one shot. It was one of those games where the team to get a player to the others respawn wins. I haven't done anything as good since sadly It's always nice to play against someone that takes their hits and doesn't act like a bitch.
  14. What's the worst guns around for either looks or performance? I'm going to start off with the FAMAS. It looks shit and I heard it is shit performance wise aswell. the Uzi is another horrible creation.
  15. I want to play a weekend long milsim but can't find any in Scotland anyone know of any?
  16. Go for the good old fashioned cock and balls.
  17. The spring SA80 will shoot about 20M and feel cheap. The spring SVD will fire further and would be a lot more powerful plus it looks better and will feel quality. go to your nearest Airsoft shop and have a feel of the guns. You might not like how they feel. I don't like G36c but AK's feel nice in my hand. M4's are a bit meh but I own one so I'm probaly just bored of it.
  18. You can get a good pistol for £100 and if you wanted to play cqb that's all you would need. Try the classifieds on here aswell.
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