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Everything posted by Mad-Al

  1. WE mp5k PDW, 106mm crazy jet barrel, ML mr.hop, osprey single point sling, genuine ARMS claw mount and a vortex strike fire 2. Absolutely love it and cant wait to see how it performs with the new upgrades
  2. Double eagle m56dl Under 30 quid for a spring shotgun with metal outer barrel, 3x shells, a sling and a speedloader. The value for money is just rediculous!
  3. We may have been lucky but me and some mates made an order 2 weeks ago and it arrived on Thursday with no fees or bother
  4. Crazy jet 106mm Crazy jet 180mm Low profile vortex 30mm mount Osprey drop sling Apologies for the hideous carpet, new house and haven't got to that room yet.
  5. Some krylon paint (dont judge me) Blue force vickers sling Blackhawk weapon clip Vortex low profile mount
  6. Howdy, i recently acquired a couple of smgs to use as secondaries to my dmr as they will give me the option for engagement within 30m or to be more aggressive in general. My primary is an lct g3 which weighs a flipping tonne so in the interest of saving my shoulder and back I was hoping to mount the smg from a 1 point sling attached to my plate carrier and a weapons catch to secure it when not in use as this will help to distribute the weight. Unfortunately the warrior QRF appears to have been discontinued and is out of stock everywhere and the drop sling is far too short to attach to my back and have enough sling left to make it functional. Any suggestions, recommendations or experiences with similar would be massively appreciated.
  7. Mad-Al

    We Smg8 Sling

    Right so ive just had a retail accident (again) and find myself with a we smg8 in my possession. SMG8 owners how do you sling your weapons? It looks like there is a mounting point on the side of the body for a HK clip or parachord. Im hoping to use a drop sling and weapon clip and detatch them both to use it and re clip it to store it.
  8. Warrior tactical adjustables, i can use them for either and sizing down for 556 is a doddle but getting then set up for my g3 mags after is complete fricking pita
  9. These are excellent if someone sold some for switching from 7.62 to 5.56 mags id snatch them up immediately!
  10. We smg8 with 4 mags and a double eagle spring shotgun. OOPS!
  11. Getting a little long in the tooth now but my first car that ive owned for almost 7 years now 2008 bmw Z4 2.5 si msport Bought with under 40,000 miles still has less that 75,000 on it. Ignore the s*&t hole its parked in that was the car park behind mine and my partners starter flat, we finally got out of that hell hole and bought our first house in November. Thats her immaculate 1998 mx5 Berkeley edition hiding behind my car and it as an absolute joy to drive.
  12. I only just found this thread. An unusual collection from me, in chronological order: From bottom to top as I'm still getting used to this site. Firstly a Tag Heuer Edge prototype rebuilt by RLT, my dad got this for himself for £50 and decided it didnt suit him so he gave it to me and that was 16 years ago. The dial, hands and strap are all custom that i had installed when i had the movement upgraded and crown restored last year. Secondly is my hamilton ventura auto that i picked up as a promotion treat a few years ago, i love it and have never seen anyone else wearing one. Next is my seiko sarb 017 alpanist which i actually managed to pick up for rrp by some miracle, the strap is made from old military parachute and rifle webbing. Then we have my only digital a casio ga2100 which i got lucky on and picked up for rrp, the lume on it sucks but it looks cool. And finally the watch in my display picture, the SKX 007 i made myself. The dial is custom its made from solid meteorite with gold markings and super luminova, the build was inspired by my 2 favorite watches a skx 007 and a black bay 58 and honestly i dont think it could have gone better. I also wear it on a mesh bracelet which looks awesome!
  13. When spraying and aeg should i remove the gearbox, inner barrel and hop first or will taping over the tip of the barrel, trigger, trigger cutout and fake bolt be enough?
  14. Surefake m600df with a rmfakedyfive mount, currently on the g3 as place holder until either my llm01 arrives or the new rail for the cyma does...
  15. We mp5k, my grail gun that i picked up from this very forum! Also i fixed my first gas mag today so I guess that makes me a proper gbbr owner now.
  16. Ive got the model 2 so its not illuminated but takes an aftermarket illuminator and still has the manual focus, it was actually your original thread on your build that inspired me to get one! Although my LCT didnt have half the issues yours did, i guess i got lucky but i got a tech to open mine up and the air seal was perfect and it only needed a single shim adding but from what ive read online i got extremely lucky there. Getting the claw mount on was a complete sod due to tight fit, i couldn't do it and had to get a much stronger friend to do it in the end. I nabbed an arms mount too in case i didnt get on with the hensoldt. I'll try the shim approach first as i always prefer reversible modifications where possible.
  17. Its a genuine hensoldt one so im trying to avoid any permanent mods to it in case i decide to move it on further down the line. Ill have a tinker with some beer can spacers and see how that goes for me.
  18. I guess ill just have to wait and see what these mystery parcels contain when and if they finally arrive then! I guess i should have investigated more thoroughly before using them but I'm a relative newby and have had nothing but good experiences (communication aside) from Asian airsoft stores in the past. Hopefully this will make it easy for others to avoid making the same mistake i did.
  19. Its on my dmr so im already up to .36s and i dont want to go higher because i burn through bbs and the cost starts going up from here... Yeah im running the claw mount so as you and FNG have said it looks like I'll be shimming the front as quickly as i can between gates opening and the first round at my next game!
  20. Awesome advice thank you mate, i take it this is a situation where a little goes a long way?
  21. I had my first skirmish of the year yesterday and the rifle was perfect, its just been dmrd and its throwing bbs as far as most snipers. However when zeroing my scope (hensoldt fero 4x24 s2) i fully raised the elevation and its still not close to high enough i cant find much about these online but there doesnt seem to be a secondary adjuster for elevation as there are on some other scopes. Has anybody had an issue like this and found a remedy for it? Im thinking of possibly making up some shims for it but can that have any negative consequences? Or if anyones done it do they have any tips? Cheers in advance all!
  22. Mad-Al


    Nothing wrong with HPA its all about implementation, i know people who run HPA for consitancy and to easily tune power on the day but have there ROF set to civilised levels and a lot of people i have seen use them in snipers as well. HPA is no worse than a DSG build both can be fine if implemented with a polite ROF and are used responsibly. Dont blame the tech blame the wankers hosing people using it.
  23. Sixmm.com Updated title for better clarity
  24. No bbs at all, first order was a couple of guns and some internal parts and the second was some gbb magazines and a element llm01
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