Hi, I own a real one with the fibre optic and if you remove the iron sight on the rear there will be two sets of matching serial numbers. This will help show it's real for your sale.
Also notice in the reticle photo, there is a small M4A1 etched into it. This shows the caliber lines are rated for 5.56mm drop and I've never come across a copy that shows this.
Good look.
Im not sure about "Likisei" or if these are the super lightweight variants.
But SAVIA (EU) as a magazine manufacturer are absolutely fantastic. I hope these are also, but I did not get on well with lightweight mags
like Prowin simply for centre of balance preference with builds
& I thought I was being constructive with my feedback.
My bad, the rules clearly state that comments are meant to be helpful & constructive, if they're not then I leave myself open to forum warnings or worse, I should have just posted on macks.
Good luck with the sale.😃