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Kids molle gear and mask

Richard Smith
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Can anybody tell me please if there is available any proper molle gear for my 11 year old as he loves to play but finding him protective equipment is an absolute night mare also does anybody know whether the dye i4 mask would fit him


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I don’t know about a MOLLE vest etc, I’ve not paid much attention but have seen kiddie ones in army surplus places etc, but these tend to be really aimed at little kids.  Depending on his build he may be inbetween and too big for a kiddie one but too small for a small adult one


That may be a task to track something down, so perhaps find something a bit too big but modifiable and talk to either the ladies at a fabric shop or if you’re anywhere near a military town look for a tailors that does repairs and adjustments for soldiers



The Dye i4s will depend on his head shape.  They are a small goggle for face coverage which tend to give good cover for kids.  For someone like me there’s a lot of forehead and chin exposed in i4s


Then it’s down to the strap to how well that makes them fit around his head.  New is better with more elasticity.  If they just about fit but you’d prefer a bit more security then ‘double strap’ them by adding a second strap 




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I used Dye paintball goggles whilst I was U18 and they were great. I think instead of a vest you should get him some sort of battle belt setup as it would fit his frame much better than a PC. 

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Agree with Gepard. My son is 12 and uses a combat vest. Plenty of adjustment in the belts to make a good fit. Far more so than a molle/plate carrier

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I was going to suggest a rig set up rather than a vest, a vest is more designed at load carrying than protection although they do a great job of protecting from BBs so maybe they are great at both in Airsoft.


I guess if its protection your after a few layers would work well, not too many though, dont want him to overheat or not feel his hits!

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