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All round vest

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Hello new on forum. So I think I'm posting in the right place. Just started airsofting.   And need some advice on a around vest. I'm soon to  get hold of my first gun.(  glock pistol with few mags). At the moment I'm just playing cqb  but in a few month I wanna get a rifle for bigger fields. Airsoft is a 2nd hobby so need to keep as cheap as possible.  I want a vest that will take my pistol and mags  and then rifle mags  and be suited for bigger feilds.

And I've order a vest of ebay 



It looks like a cheaper version of this one 



But my question it can anyone vouch for the ebay one.  As there not a lot detail on the description  IIt going to be rubbish I'll just sent it straight back.  As I want a vest and I c

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I picked up a similar china made vest years ago and it's still going fine although must admit I don't use it much anymore. They do the job but I found the cross draw holster a little flappy on mine which annoyed me lol, and the utility and radio pouch arent much use for me (neither fit anything worth it and just waste space) How much are you looking to play ? What gun you looking at ? (You will probably struggle to get AK mags in that vest for example)

If your able to send it back I'd personally go for a molle plate carrier or similar for the adaptability you can add whatever pouches you need one thing I do find the assault vest good for i's the fact it's quite well vetilated so it's more comfy to wear in summer as they are lighter as well 

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Probs be playing one a month two times max. Mosty cqb  hence why i  brought  a pistol first. As prefer  to use  one of them.  



Been advised on the combat machine raider  I think it called (so m4 variant) then I should be able to get the guts upgraded to get the fps up for bigger fields.

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Being a chunky monkey I found that zips on these kind of vests burst :( I'd looks for one that has both a zip and snap buckles.

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That vest is cheap and cheerful.  It will give you something to wear and use until you decide whether you want to buy something better/more suitable or not.  I have a similar cheap Viper vest and it does the job for CQB when I wear it.  I also have chest rig and battle belt for when they are more appropriate. Sometime I just carry a gun and a spare mag or two in my pockets.

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When I got back into airsoft a year ago after a 16 year hiatus, I started up cheap and got a Viper LA Special Forces Vest (Most cringe inducing name ever!) Expecting to have to replace it after a few months.




To this date, I'm still very happy with mine. It's stood up to a load of games now and is still comfortable, still in one piece and still carries everything I need.

The mag pouches even make good pistol holsters.


Come in a bunch of different colours/patterns too




Some people give the viper vests stick because they're cheap. But they do what I need on a budget. I should hopefully get another year out of my current one before replacing it.

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On 04/07/2017 at 8:42 PM, L3wisD said:

Some people give the viper vests stick because they're cheap. But they do what I need on a budget. I should hopefully get another year out of my current one before replacing it.


I'm going to  return the cheap and I ordered one of theese plus molle hydration bladder and drop leg pistol for about 70.  This way I should have to buy new for while and I'm cover whatever field I play on. The plate carriers were working out as far to much money than I was budgeting

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