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Charity Airsoft meet?

Robert James
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Hi all,


I previously managed to get a charity (for Help for Heroes) football game together for my old team against the Police, which raised a fair amount of money on that day. I was wondering if something like this could be done for Airsoft, I can try to arrange it, and obviously I wont just post here.

So please see my questions below


Would you be interested in a charity airsoft day (potentially prices going up slightly), how much would be prepared to pay?

Would you travel - how far?

What would you expect on the day? I.e Free tea and coffee... Raffles etc

What wouldnt you like on the day?

Inside or outside? (Personally I think outside would be better due to amount of people potentially)

What time should the event run to and from?

Summer/Winter/Autumn ?


Feel free to ask any questions yourself or post anything below you want with answers of the above 


Yes I can do this, yes I will do this if there is enough interest, which I think there will be.



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Im up for a shooty day being a typical skirmish or a charity fun day.....


In theory I like what your proposing, if I knew of an event that was no more than 2hrs away on a date I could attend and was not too expensive I would be in. Charity day or not. 


I would happily pay a little more than normal for a day if it was supporting a charity or a couple of good causes (but try to get the site to back the cause too so as much of the entry costs get donated as possible) and would happily drop some cash on a raffle for some decent prizes.. £10-£15 a ticket if the prizes are more than worthwhile is fair (again get a local retailer and/or some big names to donate some gear for free for the raffle)


Outside would be better, bigger sites = more money That said I would happily pay a premium for  special day at the mall or similar!!

If outdoors look for summer, however a site may be more open to helping on a quieter period, but bad weather may put people off, I personally dislike playing in the cold/wet..


I wouldnt EXPECT anything on the day, I would not expect anything different to a typical skirmish  other than a fun day to raise money for charity! If you want to make it all about fun type games or have a theme mini milsim feel to it then all the better!

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14 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

Im up for a shooty day being a typical skirmish or a charity fun day.....


In theory I like what your proposing, if I knew of an event that was no more than 2hrs away on a date I could attend and was not too expensive I would be in. Charity day or not. 


I would happily pay a little more than normal for a day if it was supporting a charity or a couple of good causes (but try to get the site to back the cause too so as much of the entry costs get donated as possible) and would happily drop some cash on a raffle for some decent prizes.. £10-£15 a ticket if the prizes are more than worthwhile is fair (again get a local retailer and/or some big names to donate some gear for free for the raffle)


Outside would be better, bigger sites = more money That said I would happily pay a premium for  special day at the mall or similar!!

If outdoors look for summer, however a site may be more open to helping on a quieter period, but bad weather may put people off, I personally dislike playing in the cold/wet..


I wouldnt EXPECT anything on the day, I would not expect anything different to a typical skirmish  other than a fun day to raise money for charity! If you want to make it all about fun type games or have a theme mini milsim feel to it then all the better!

Thanks, I was starting to think nobody would reply. 


Currently, Iv'e not been to any outdoors sites, iv'e only been to the mall. I think the mall may potentially be easier for myself to organize something there, but I dont know about other places as of yet. AWA is my next visit end of April. But I think over the weekend coming, im going to call some places to see if they would even consider it, perhaps I could put a poll up for "The place to go".


Im going to approach retailers for raffle prizes also, as far as I know, Dragons Lair has a shop run by Airsoft Zone... so that could go hand in hand but ive never been to the site itself. What sort of prizes would you consider being fair. I would imagine ammo/mags/gas/camo/guns?


@ImTriggerHappy Do you think the mall would be open to something like this? 

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Further update:


The mall have said they would be interested in hosting the event.

Few things to figure out with the manager and hopefully will announce a date and time soon :)

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15 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Finding a venue is easy getting people to commit to a date a cough up is the difficult bit. 1 in 10 people who say they will go are timewasters hope you dont just end up footing a big bill for the venue.

Let's hope not.


Once things are confirmed ill put something up

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Date agreed

Time agreed

Price agreed

Location agreed


Waiting for this post to potentially be closed so I can open a new one with proper information and marketing stuffs.




If anyone can PM me any contacts for raffles that would be great as currently I am really struggling to get any type of sponsor for this. Currently sitting on one prize out of 3 ive contacted.

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