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MWS Upper with L119A2 Rail & Outer Barrels

MWS Upper with L119A2 Rail & Outer Barrels


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Tokyo Marui MWS Upper with L119A2 Short rail, plus various lengths of outer barrel (no bolt carrier group). 

Ready to install and run, just need your own BCG. 
Total package is:

TM Upper Receiver with charging handle, forward assist, dust cover. 
TM Hop Unit, adjuster, hop, inner barrel

AngryGun L119A2 rail, with steel barrel nut

G&P MWS M4 barrel set - 3 different lengths of outer barrel 

AngryGun(?) Steel Surefire flash hider 


£200 posted 

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That is definitely, 100 percent, the upper from the L119A2 MWS that was given away for free a couple of days ago, also sold the Vortex Sparc that was fitted to it for a tidy profit of £125.


Bit low making substantial dollar off of something that was given away for free to be honest.



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My tuppence, is the package worth the price ????, because if it is, whoever gave it away is obviously a super duper guy, but, no offence meant, slightly naive, in the best possible philanthropist way😏


Although to then post it up for such a greedy markup on THE SAME SITE YOU GOTTA IT FOR FREE FFS is a bit of a piss take, & all stick is well deserved 🤬

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