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WTB: CRYE Precision uksf spec trousers with 34" (or 36" at a push) waist

WTB: CRYE Precision uksf spec trousers with 34" (or 36" at a push) waist


  • Price £140
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2 Questions


hi all, I know it's a long shot but I am looking for some uksf spec trousers. these look similar to the normal AC or G2 trousers but they will have buttons on some of the pockets instead of velcro. similarly the label inside will just have item:custom and material:custom


if you have any hidden away in your collection that you would be willing to part with, I am would be very interested to hear from you. price is dependent on condition






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You checked eBay?! Usually a fair few UKSF customs on there at any one time.



thanks for the heads up, I have rephrased my searchs and there are a few on there so thanks.


Sadly I don't have an eBay account after being messed around by them (they didn't like that my papal account was only linked to a debit card not my bank account and blocked the account which was a pain)

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