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Hakkotsu M40a3

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It says it has blowback? It looks pretty nice.


The blowback thing has reminded me of the new G&G CO2 bolt action blowback system. There's just too many things coming out this year that I want. =[

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It sure is a great looking rifle

At a guess, the blowback was probably a mistake, I think the g&g is the first blowback sniper rifle

G&G comes in both green gas and co2 by the way, both are shell ejecting too- the first g&g gun that i'm genuinely interested in :lol:


Looks like it could be vsr style hop up too, judging by where the adjuster is.

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all i know is i just forked 220 out for that CA M249 STOP POSTING LINKS TO STUFF THAT ARE BUYABLE!!!!!!!! I`m already unsure if i`ll be able to make it to a skirmish let alone to work in a week`s time with so little money.... (SHameless Plug BUY MY FOR SALE STUFF`S)

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LOL Craig, You better start saving, Over the next 18 months there is all sorts of new kit coming out :P

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RedWolf have another of their basic reviews online for this now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR4z4zr7_1E...569FUAAAAAAAAAA


It actually seems alright. It always annoys me how they do the accuracy tests at such stupidly short ranges and using .20s though.


Try it at 60m with .30s at least, it's a sniper ffs!

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Thanks for that ed.

It does actually look quite good, seems like its a vsr that looks cooler- im actually quite interested, that said not a fan of the 'first batch' written on the side of the receiver :P

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Yeah, I noticed that as well... Maybe they were just test models or something, who knows?


I wish they'd gone over the feeding mech a bit more as well. You get a brief glimpse of it, but nothing really substantial enough to come to fully understand how it works.

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I don't know about that Finius I just picked up a cheap VSR/BAR-10 to see if a like the feel of sniping and to someone like me who only wants a to go sniper form time to time that M40a3 looking like a nice bit of kit of the money

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I don't know about that Finius I just picked up a cheap VSR/BAR-10 to see if a like the feel of sniping and to someone like me who only wants a to go sniper form time to time that M40a3 looking like a nice bit of kit of the money


I just have this thing where if it looks like a VSR, the only way it'll be any good is if it actually is a VSR...There's a reason they're known for being the baddest mothers this side of Samuel L Jackson....In the sniping world anyway...

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