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G&G m4a1 or SRC G36c?

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I'm looking at getting an aeg and are looking at some cheaper ish ones... Gonna get the hang Of it n work the kinks out before I go and spend £400+ on a magpul Masada lol...


The options that I'm looking at is g&g m4a1 or SRC g36c (2 tone as I'm not ultra registered yet)


M4: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/G-G-M4-GR-1...ANHG0.aspx?nh=0


G36: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/SRC-SR36C-2...AQODT.aspx?nh=0


What's the best? , easiest to upgrade etc?


Many thanks liam

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Both are as good as eachother but for the ease of it, i would get the M4, G&G have really good hop units for stock guns and i think they come with 6.03mm barrels not sure though. also M4 magazines are easier to fit in pouches and if you did decide to get the masada, you cant interchange magazines that you would already own.

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  Wardeneo said:
I'm looking at getting an aeg and are looking at some cheaper ish ones... Gonna get the hang n work the links out before I go and spend £400+ on a magpul Masada lol...


The options that I'm looking at is g&g m4a1 or SRC g36c (2 tone as I'm not ultra registered yet)


M4: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/G-G-M4-GR-1...ANHG0.aspx?nh=0


G36: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/SRC-SR36C-2...AQODT.aspx?nh=0


What's the best? , easiest to upgrade etc?


Many thanks liam

Hi yep i agree both as good as one another i prefer the g36 (i have a src g36kv 2tone and an src m4) as it has a folding stock making it smaller for cqb if you need also there are the options out there if you look ie mags, stocks, ris. seen a nice stock on airsoft world but the choice is upto you also if you go for the g36 try geniestuff.co.uk as it £10 cheaper

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Hmmm but m4 has better Ah battery and a smart charger... But I do like g36 ^^ any other aeg's (assault rifles) like these I should look at? * must be 2 tone though :(


My budget is £250


Many thanks Liam

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  Wardeneo said:
Hmmm but m4 has better Ah battery and a smart charger... But I do like g36 ^^ any other aeg's (assault rifles) like these I should look at? * must be 2 tone though :(


My budget is £250


Many thanks Liam


My g36kv was two toned when I brought it from tactical airsoft all in it cost me about £176.00 no battery or charger though also try onlybbguns.co uk they have good selection of guns some gas guns too pistols and rifles and all come with battery and charger plus free next day delivery. As for battery and charger you may want to get better ones. So if you get something for say £160/70 you can get yourself some goodies to go with it new stock, ris, holo/acog sight, extra mags

As for what type of aeg the choice is up to or what you like M4/16, G36, AK47/74, G3, Dont forget alot of airsoft retailers offer a two service so if you see a certain gun you like and it's a RIF email or phone them to ask if they offer the service. Like you I am not ukarra reg yet and have to have my guns two tone

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the g&g is well recommended by many people also look at the ris versions for adding accessories will also leave plenty of money for mags, battery, charger

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I was looking for a two tone at first but waited and got a proper RIF.


I looked at this:




Has RIS for accessories etc and is cheaper than the other M4.


I like the look of the G36 but the number of parts available for the M4 is huge and the second hand market is massive.

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After lots of thinking, I think the better gun is the m4 but I like g36 more an I'm gonna get one - but for similar price u can get a jg g36c - is jg better than Src????


Many thanks liam

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  Wardeneo said:
After lots of thinking, I think the better gun is the m4 but I like g36 more an I'm gonna get one - but for similar price u can get a jg g36c - is jg better than Src????


Many thanks liam


Yes you can go to bbgunsuk.co.uk scoll down to t-shirt on left just above it is RIF UKARA click then click picture of gun should be 2pages of guns G36,G3,A47,MP5,SCAR, which most can be two toned for an extra £10. If you click on picture of G36 on home page you find 3two tone guns cyma AK47S £129.99, umarex G36c £199.99, kings arms M4 £220 Hope this helps.

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I'd say yeah you just need a downgrade and you're good to go.

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from what ive seen from peoples reviews the src gen3 seems to be abit better than the jg although they are both known for being decent guns so you wont be dissapointed with either of them

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If you have a 250 wuid budget have a look at the ics m4 series as they are amazing but it will cost you 15 quid for them to spray it or have a look for the classic army g36c as they are brilliant both on fire support

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