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"The next Masada in the line up is the CQB"

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PTS Masada CQB ? !


Skip to 2:28 to see a rep from Edgar Brothers say "the next masada in the line up is the CQB", he then indicates with his hand how long the barrel will be, looks like he's referring to the mythical 10.5" to me :)


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Might be but I don't think its very likely, the gas block is probably going to get in the way, and its only an inch less than the short barrel.

They probably mean a ready made set up with the shorter barrel- probably the same as the AKM but with a 556 lower

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well i know some one was putting together the magpul PDW, which will be awesome. if thats what they are on about?


PS i tried the link, but it just takes me to the mobile version desktop.......



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I fixed it!!


Nvm.. you posted the link already..

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Sorry for the bad youtube link guys. (Now fixed)


In the video (screen shot below) the rep demonstrates with his hand where the CQB barrel will end and says "short barrel here", very close to the end of the metal RIS handguard, i'd say he's pretty familiar with the Masada and the different barrel lengths so seems strange he would misjudge where the 11.5" would end, so could he be indicating a 10.5" barrel with the new CQB Masada?


In my opinion there wouldn't be that much appeal for basically an AKM with the 5.56 lower, especially as PTS have already started to release the lower as an after market accessory for AKM owners anyway.


Anyway I live in hope of the 10.5" barrel they promised in the Masada manual :)



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Don't know if anyone has seen this...




Or this




Admittedly the design of the 10.5" looks like it may struggle to accept some of the bulkier flash hiders, including the Blackout 51T.

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