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A not-so-gay-kay?

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In my opinion AKs are awesome as they are, it's Russian, it's simple, it's rugged, it works.


Adding any other, non-original parts are unnecessary and ruins it. Especially the stocks of NATO rifles.


In Soviet Russia you shot on sight for change rifle of motherland.

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You mean the short 74u UN? I thought that was pretty cool, I like the bolt lock safety catch feature, though I hate the extended magwell.


But I think the best thing about the WE AK is that the kick looks like it could actually approach the kick of a real one, at least on semi, if only they'd make their internals out of something other than play dough, I'd probably buy all their guns.

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im sorry marcus, that is a very gay kay......it actually likes men, holding it, cocking it and shooting white stuff out of it, its very gay indeed......


Why would you do that to an AK? what did it do to you, minus the fact it shot bullets in your dads direction...still.

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i do like tactical AK's but not when they have spasticated mag-wells and chrome barrels, i also hate the rails when they are on the gas tube, just because its a stupid idea.....if the gun needed more rail space on top get the normal railmount which is kinda big anyway... :P

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what do you mean? its one picture


To me it looks like they've got lots of pictures of AKs, cut out bits they've needed and made one picture to make a concept piccy, but Im probably wrong. Just doesnt quite seem to join up right lol.

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theres more plastic on them than jordans... we all know where thats going.


So what about the plastic? lol. At least you can use them on a cold day :P.


I know some people prefer full metal over reliability, but I personally just dont get it :P.

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