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finnaly, the ka r93

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Well I have a soft spot for the AKS-74 ;)

The AKM is nice too though

But this.... Thing. It's horrible. I'd eat a kitten before I use one of those things.




And I love kittens.

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Oh right, I see the point of it in real steel, but there's no advantage to it in the airsoft version... You're at a disadvantage because you can use less mags.



Still, I don't mine the looks of it as long as it isn't plastered with an array of XT rail covers and every rail attachment under the sun

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Well, I agree with the never shared a mag sentiment, I don't share my mags either...

But I was talking about availability. With a ACR you have so much to choose from, not the case with the AKM


Anyway, it still looks hideous. :P

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Yea but the sniper is still ugly and something tells me to expect a bunch of cod players to teach me the basics of a gun if i want the bolt to fly through my head that is.

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Reminds me of the GOL from BFBC2.

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