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New player looking for Acturus guns


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Hi new player here. I'm planning on getting the acturus lwt m4, however it doesn't seem to be in stock anywhere. The in stock ones are too expensive (all around 300£ to 400£) as I'm only just starting.

And cheap ones on patrol base I can't find much reviews on them. Does anyone know how or where I can get hands on the acturus m4? Or any other recommendations? (budget of around 150£, good accuracy decent range, solid build)

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First off, Welcome


Do you have a UKARA ? as if not that will limit you to two toned rifles


Patrol Base do sell some good starter bundles that will get you playing


Another option is to rent until you get a UKARA and thn you can buy any RIF you want


As for brands, I got a Nuprol Starter bundle and have had no issues at all with it from Patrol Base, some will tell you to stay way from them though, but as  Ihave said no issues at all with mine.  Shoots at just under 300fps on .25 bb's


Is the £150 the budget for the rifle on its own?

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28 minutes ago, Mik3F said:

First off, Welcome


Do you have a UKARA ? as if not that will limit you to two toned rifles


Patrol Base do sell some good starter bundles that will get you playing


Another option is to rent until you get a UKARA and thn you can buy any RIF you want


As for brands, I got a Nuprol Starter bundle and have had no issues at all with it from Patrol Base, some will tell you to stay way from them though, but as  Ihave said no issues at all with mine.  Shoots at just under 300fps on .25 bb's


Is the £150 the budget for the rifle on its own?

Thank you! No i don't currently have a UKARA im planning on waiting the two months and after 3 games, just getting a bit impatient looking at all the guns on the internet. Yes 150-200£would be my budget for the rifle. I kind of want to get a decent one and not needing more in the future, but looking at others posts suggests everyone thinks like this at the start and end up owning a dozen...

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Yep, thats what usually happens.


Any idea on type you want - AR, AK, ARP9, etc


Theres plenty available in your budget that would be more than adequate for your needs



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3 hours ago, Austen said:

not needing more in the future

Don't be daft, once the bug bites it's all encompassing.
£150-200 pews can be very reliable & worth considering, there are plenty of threads regarding exactly this topic.

remember to factor in other expences like eye pro/mask, boots, kit to wear, kit to carry mags etc, MAGS, bb's & the thousands of other shiny things you'll see.

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4 hours ago, Mik3F said:

Yep, thats what usually happens.


Any idea on type you want - AR, AK, ARP9, etc


Theres plenty available in your budget that would be more than adequate for your needs



Yes AR/M4 would be the platform im looking for, I saw quite a few good reviews on Acturus lwt mk1 m4, but seems to be out of stock everywhere in the uk, is that more of an american company less popular over here?


1 hour ago, ButcherBill said:

Don't be daft, once the bug bites it's all encompassing.
£150-200 pews can be very reliable & worth considering, there are plenty of threads regarding exactly this topic.

remember to factor in other expences like eye pro/mask, boots, kit to wear, kit to carry mags etc, MAGS, bb's & the thousands of other shiny things you'll see.

Lets hope im immune to the bug bite🥲otherwise 💸

And yes i have another 50 for face protection(norvritch eye and face mask), another 50 for maybe 1 or 2 more mags sights etc.

Do you have any suggestions for fun accurate M4s? It might be me not knowing how to navigate the forum but don't seem to see much about the m4 platform

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Electric Guns - Airsoft Forums UK


Thats the place for AEG's, probably plenty of topics in there covering what you need


The best thing you can do is ask questions, find a gun you like and then ask questions about it


Buying from somewhere like PatrolBase will get you a warranty on it


Also ask what guns the players use when you go to play yourself, most players will happily show you what they have and talk about it


Also don't forget batteries and charger, most guns don't come with one unless you get a starter bundle

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Ahoy and welcome.


And... why an Arcturus?   There are loads of brands of M4 in your budget, and only a few Arcturus guns are down there. The Specna Arms FLEX and CORE HAL ETU guns, just for example, are in your price range, and come with a fully featured fire control system, rotary hop, and quick change spring.

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2 hours ago, Mik3F said:

Electric Guns - Airsoft Forums UK


Thats the place for AEG's, probably plenty of topics in there covering what you need


The best thing you can do is ask questions, find a gun you like and then ask questions about it


Buying from somewhere like PatrolBase will get you a warranty on it


Also ask what guns the players use when you go to play yourself, most players will happily show you what they have and talk about it


Also don't forget batteries and charger, most guns don't come with one unless you get a starter bundle

Thank you.



2 hours ago, ButcherBill said:

Type M4 into the search bar, PLENTY of threads/posts will pop up.

For some reason it said 0 results for me but found a few in the AEG section just now.


1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Ahoy and welcome.


And... why an Arcturus?   There are loads of brands of M4 in your budget, and only a few Arcturus guns are down there. The Specna Arms FLEX and CORE HAL ETU guns, just for example, are in your price range, and come with a fully featured fire control system, rotary hop, and quick change spring.


I don't really know the brands, i literally just searched up best beginner AEG on youtube, and a bunch of american youtubers mentioned arcturus so I thought nothing could go wrong with those. But i'll definitely have a look at these brands asw thank you.

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1 hour ago, Austen said:

Lets hope im immune to the bug bite🥲


Lol. There's more chance of a politician keeping an election promise 


As others have posted, there's loads of options for an AR15 in your price range so rather than getting 20 different recommendations you're probably better off deciding what you like the look of and asking about those particular make and model

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55 minutes ago, Austen said:

a bunch of american youtubers mentioned arcturus


Skyler from Reddit? 🤔

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I wouldn't trust the 99% ofairsoft youtubers to be able to tie their own shoelaces, let alone give an honest and unbiased review. Many of them are sponsored and it's not in their interests to give a bad review 

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2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:




Lol. There's more chance of a politician keeping an election promise 


As others have posted, there's loads of options for an AR15 in your price range so rather than getting 20 different recommendations you're probably better off deciding what you like the look of and asking about those particular make and model

Oh well...

Yep I'll have a look around then look for some reviews if theres not much i'll post and ask.


Saw some that looks quite cool of specna arms, but there seems to be quite a few model around 120£-150£ price range, and I've read through the descriptions but didn't seem to notice any significant difference except for both having 310fps (quite low?).

1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Skyler from Reddit? 🤔

I can't remember there names, but most of them said like sponsored by evik (gun brand?)or smth.

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15 hours ago, Austen said:

Saw some that looks quite cool of specna arms, but there seems to be quite a few model around 120£-150£ price range, and I've read through the descriptions but didn't seem to notice any significant difference except for both having 310fps (quite low?)

When comparing similarly priced models from the same brand then the differences are only really cosmetic. As for fps, while 310 may seem quite low it really isn't and besides that higher fps doesn't equal better performance. Ammo weight and a correctly set hop up have far more influence on performance. Just look at Tokyo  Mauri guns, they come out of the box doing 280 fps but will happily out range many other brands with higher muzzle energy.

Another reason not to chase fps limits is that if the site chrono puts you over then you won't be able to use it

15 hours ago, Austen said:

but most of them said like sponsored by evik (gun brand?)or smth.

Evil are a US based shop. Any "review" by someone saying that they're admitting it's more of a paid advert rather than a review 

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18 hours ago, Austen said:

Oh well...

Yep I'll have a look around then look for some reviews if theres not much i'll post and ask.


Saw some that looks quite cool of specna arms, but there seems to be quite a few model around 120£-150£ price range, and I've read through the descriptions but didn't seem to notice any significant difference except for both having 310fps (quite low?).

I can't remember there names, but most of them said like sponsored by evik (gun brand?)or smth.


310fps is fine, in fact for some sites dependig on the weight of the BB, may even be too high

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8 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

When comparing similarly priced models from the same brand then the differences are only really cosmetic. 

Ah okay, almost fell for it.


5 hours ago, Mik3F said:


310fps is fine, in fact for some sites dependig on the weight of the BB, may even be too high

Got it. Thanks for helping, I have a general idea of what to look for now.

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Just found some thats perfect for the price, i like the looks of them and from the descriptions seems like what i want. Do you guys know if they're any good? 


Specna Arms Daniel Defense® SA-C19 CORE™ HAL¹ ETU™ MK18 AEG, Black



Specna Arms SA-F21 FLEX™ Carbine AEG; FALCON EFCS Edition, Tan



CYMA CM.517 M4 Combat Machine AEG, Black

This one's really cheap for some reason




Planning on getting 3 mid cap mags and some 0.2g bbs?


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13 hours ago, Austen said:

CYMA CM.517 M4 Combat Machine AEG, Black

This one's really cheap for some reason



The CM.5xx range is made of nasty feeling plastic. They work fine, and I see they come with rotary hops now, but they're no-frills basic guns.  The Specnas have much nicer plastic bodies, quick change springs (handy for tuning the power) and well featured fire control systems with burst fire and pre-cocking, which are fun and useful.



13 hours ago, Austen said:

Planning on getting 3 mid cap mags and some 0.2g bbs?


0.2g is fine for indoors, but outdoors you'll want to use the heaviest BBs that your budget can stand and your hop unit can lift. I tend to run 0.28g, some go heavier.


Just checking: have you played yet?  I'd rent at least once before committing to any purchases, and wait for the adrenaline rush to die off and the bruises to show before you break out the credit card.  (I mean, I say that, I didn't do it, but... ;) )


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Agreeing with all of the above. good quality 0.28g BBs will be one of the most effective 'upgrades' that you can do to improve accuracy and range (and help punch through light vegetation). 0.25s at a pinch.


in relation to the number of magazines you are getting, obviously it depends how itchy your trigger finger is and how fast paced a particular game is. I tend to use semi auto only, and range between using 3 x 140rd mid cap mags to 6 mags for an hours woodland game. If your gun comes with a hi cap, then that obviously gives you a bit extra (i tend to brim a hi cap, and leave it as my reserve mag), and hi-caps can very easily be filled from a bag of BBs mid game if necesary too.

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6 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


The CM.5xx range is made of nasty feeling plastic. They work fine, and I see they come with rotary hops now, but they're no-frills basic guns.  The Specnas have much nicer plastic bodies, quick change springs (handy for tuning the power) and well featured fire control systems with burst fire and pre-cocking, which are fun and useful.




0.2g is fine for indoors, but outdoors you'll want to use the heaviest BBs that your budget can stand and your hop unit can lift. I tend to run 0.28g, some go heavier.


Just checking: have you played yet?  I'd rent at least once before committing to any purchases, and wait for the adrenaline rush to die off and the bruises to show before you break out the credit card.  (I mean, I say that, I didn't do it, but... ;) )


Not since i've turned 18, I was obsessed with airsoft around 14,15, but wasn't able to own any cause my parents were kind of against it. But now that i can buy one myself I just really want to get hands on one as quickly as possible. I'm planning on going to a few games after exams in a few weeks before buying the gun.

38 minutes ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Agreeing with all of the above. good quality 0.28g BBs will be one of the most effective 'upgrades' that you can do to improve accuracy and range (and help punch through light vegetation). 0.25s at a pinch.


in relation to the number of magazines you are getting, obviously it depends how itchy your trigger finger is and how fast paced a particular game is. I tend to use semi auto only, and range between using 3 x 140rd mid cap mags to 6 mags for an hours woodland game. If your gun comes with a hi cap, then that obviously gives you a bit extra (i tend to brim a hi cap, and leave it as my reserve mag), and hi-caps can very easily be filled from a bag of BBs mid game if necesary too.

Didn't know you'd go through so much bbs in an hour, I'll definetely go to a few games to get more experience before breaking the bank.

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1 hour ago, Austen said:

I'm planning on going to a few games after exams in a few weeks before buying the gun.

Definitely the right way to go. While it's more expensive it means you can get a better idea of what suits your playing style (eg a long rifle rather than a SMG/carbine) and if the site has different models for rentals you can try them to see what you prefer. Also you'll get a chance to see what others are using and talk to them about it, the hardest thing will be getting them to stop talking😁. They might even let you fire off a few shots if you ask nicely. For your nearest site try here https://playairsoft.uk/


Out of the three you listed I'd go for either of the Specna arms. While the cyma 5xx range will perform well enough to be used in game the plastic body is far lower quality and breaks way easier. When mine went it was several parts and was cheaper replace the whole thing


Unless you're playing cqb don't bother with .2g bbs. As others have posted .28g is the lightest you should consider. Just remember that your max fps will drop as the bb weight goes up. This is why sites should be talking in joules not fps for their limits but that's a whole different topic suitable for it's own thread.


As for how much ammo to carry, that's down to personal preference as it depends how trigger happy you are and how much extra stuff you want to carry. I tend to start woodland games with 800 to 1000 rounds on me but I tend to only use roughly half per game,  I figure it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


I didn't see if it's already been asked and answered but have you also budgeted for the extra stuff like eye protection and spare batteries?

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Ah, got you. Got for it then, we're not on a rehearsal.


You're really spoiled for choice in M4s if that's the way you want to go - remembering that other platforms are available. There are lots of happy owners of most brands - not you, VFC - but the features-for-money on the recent Specnas with fire control systems is phenomenal.


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20 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

Also you'll get a chance to see what others are using and talk to them about it, the hardest thing will be getting them to stop talking😁.

I was actually a bit anxious about going by myself, but the airsoft community feels very welcoming so yea im really looking forward to going.

Got it i'll be getting 0.28g bbs then as the site near me is also indoors and i think there is an fps limit.

19 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Ah, got you. Got for it then, we're not on a rehearsal.


You're really spoiled for choice in M4s if that's the way you want to go - remembering that other platforms are available. There are lots of happy owners of most brands - not you, VFC - but the features-for-money on the recent Specnas with fire control systems is phenomenal.


Yea thank you for all the advice.


Thanks for all the help @Cannonfodder @Rogerborg @Mik3F  @ButcherBill  @The_Lord_Poncho

I'll let you guys know when i've ordered a gun

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3 minutes ago, Austen said:

Got it i'll be getting 0.28g bbs then as the site near me is also indoors and i think there is an fps limit.

Best check their website then - often indoors sites only allow a max BB weight of .25g. The advice to go heavy on BB weight is more aimed at outdoor play, where the extra range, punch, and resistance to wind etc benefits a heavier BB. Indoors, I actually prefer a .20g bb, as ranges are short, they hurt people less, and they are faster to target.

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