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Thompson with genuine wood fitted


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So, after deciding I'm not going to use my WW2 kit anymore, regretfully the Thompson is not going to get used. 

It is a Cyma Thompson as standard shooting at 300 FPS on a .2. not been used for quite a few years. But what makes this special is a few years ago a guy was converting genuine Thompson wood to fit the Airsoft version along with manufacturing his own pistol grip to fit over the motor. As can be seen the wood truly has awesome patina and would (pun intended) look great for any WW2 airsofter/reenactor. 


What's people's thoughts on what this could be worth. Comes with 4 high caps and 1 drum mag


Thanks in advance, 











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I have no idea what it would sell for, but my mate picked one up - same version with real wood , drum and 4 midcaps for £150 boxed, last year

I don’t know if he was mugged or robbed it 😄

Edited by Enid_Puceflange
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How much was the wood? Add on the price new with the 4 mags, take 2/3 that price.  Thats your sell price.

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I think selling for 2/3rds of the price new is a good rule of thumb for lots of airsoft stuff. But considering the RS wood, already modified to fit, with a custom pistol grip is hardly something you can grab off patrol base (nobody else may be making them, and if someone else is offering the service, this means acquiring the wood, then labour cost, turn around time etc). So I think apply the 2/3rds rule to the cost of the gun and mags, but ask for 20% more for the wood.

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