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Introducing AirsoftHub.eu: Your Centralized Platform for European Airsoft Enthusiasts


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Hello fellow airsoft enthusiasts,

I'm excited to introduce AirsoftHub.eu, a new platform designed to unite the European airsoft community. Here's what we offer:

  • Marketplace: Browse and post listings for airsoft gear from major shops like Evike Europe, Powair6, Gunfire, and more. Additionally, buy and sell second-hand equipment in a user-friendly environment.

  • Events: Organizers can create events, and participants can check in via QR codes on-site. This system ensures that only attendees can rate events, fostering genuine feedback. Organizers can also rate participants, promoting a trustworthy community.

  • Reviews: Our integrated review system allows for transparent feedback on events and transactions, helping users make informed decisions.

We aim to support and grow the airsoft community by providing a centralized hub for all enthusiasts. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continue to develop and enhance the platform.

Check out AirsoftHub.eu and let us know your thoughts!

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53 minutes ago, Frankierafie said:

Nope, but last added/updated product will be on the top

What are you ?, sounds like your a forum with "support" from one or more retailers ?

This being the case, did you not feel it necessary to ask before posting about your "rival" platform here.

Bit of a piss take ?, don't be surprised when this gets taken down.

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As I mentoined, it's a platform, there is no any forum functionality included. In few words it's marketplace collecting products from EU shops (for now few shops, but want to include all EU shops) + second hand products. And events with event-player reviews only after on-site check out.


I'm just trying to create and manage something, that will help airsoft comunity. If you have some feedback or idea, it would help more.

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5 minutes ago, Frankierafie said:

As I mentoined, it's a platform, there is no any forum functionality included. In few words it's marketplace collecting products from EU shops (for now few shops, but want to include all EU shops) + second hand products. And events with event-player reviews only after on-site check out.


I'm just trying to create and manage something, that will help airsoft comunity. If you have some feedback or idea, it would help more.

I see the word "forum" 😏


Screenshot_20241125_001325_Samsung Internet.jpg

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3 minutes ago, Frankierafie said:

there is no any forum functionality included.

The about us section would disagree 

Our platform serves as the ultimate hub for airsoft enthusiasts, offering a unique blend of a marketplace, forum, blog, and events dedicated to all things airsoft.

So which is right? 


If I had a pound for every time someone announced the next big online platform for airsoft, only for it to amount to nothing I'd be very rich

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Then why mention forums? Tbh it looks to me like you're making it up as you go along which doesn't give me any confidence in either the platform or you

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I initially planned to include a forum on AirsoftHub.eu during development, but after researching, I realized it’s not practical to create yet another forum when there are already so many great ones. As for blogs, I haven’t implemented them yet and am still considering whether they would be useful for the community.

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Oh look, a poacher 


Poor show 

7 hours ago, Tackle said:

What are you ?, sounds like your a forum with "support" from one or more retailers ?

This being the case, did you not feel it necessary to ask before posting about your "rival" platform here.

Bit of a piss take ?, don't be surprised when this gets taken down.



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6 hours ago, Frankierafie said:

. As for blogs, I haven’t implemented them yet and am still considering whether they would be useful for the community.

Let me help you out there.


No they wouldn't. Airsoft blogs are as common as airsoft youtubers but less appealing 

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@Frankierafie you've been here nearly 4 years, & your eventual first post is to try to coax members over to your own "platform", I should be deleting this thread & banning you, but this is THE forum for the airsoft community, where, within reason, free speech is allowed & anything potentially positive for airsoft is encouraged. 

So, unless the head mods decide otherwise, this was your one chance to advertise your existence,  I'm locking the thread but members will still be able to view it, read your posts but also the responses & make up their own minds whether your place is worth a look.



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