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Help identifying 2 items


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Big Resident Evil fan and recently got myself a Krink (Thanks HuttArmouries) and figured I'd make a dragoon build.


I've sourced and got every other part ordered, except from these...




The torch mount


And the suppressor




Any help is massively appreciated! 



I've found the torch mount, just need to ID the suppressor now.

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49 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

Big Resident Evil fan and recently got myself a Krink (Thanks HuttArmouries) and figured I'd make a dragoon build.

Bought loads of stuff from HuttArmories, always a deal to be had & fast delivery. (sure I'm on his Xmas card list too now)

Edited by gavinkempsell
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33 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

Bought loads of stuff from HuttArmories, always a deal to be had & fast delivery. (sure I'm on his Xmas card list too now)


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I only know slightly more than zero and mostly only about the replicas that PTS have done, which luckily includes this one.  Like I've probably watched dozens of videos about cans on GunTube over the past decade, but end of the day the majority of them are just another black tube (at a glance) and they don't even vary greatly in size or shape and rarely have truly distinguishing features externally.  You've got to deliberately go out of your way to get info and differentiate most of them, doubly so since some airsoft models aren't based on anything real but even the ones that are don't generally use the real name.  There's a few standouts like the old KAC NT4 or the Osprey or some of the Q models but.. well I think this page makes my point fairly well - https://www.silencershop.com/silencers/5-56mm-rifle.html

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1 hour ago, gavinkempsell said:

Bought loads of stuff from HuttArmories, always a deal to be had & fast delivery. (sure I'm on his Xmas card list too now)


42 minutes ago, Tackle said:


Thank you both for funding my Gbbr addiction 😅

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Your one also has a glass breaker in the picture.




They were popular a few years back with seal impressionists, but good clones are hard to find now. If anyone knows of any steel ones let me know! 

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4 minutes ago, HuttArmouries said:

Thank you both for funding my Gbbr addiction 😅

And Thank You for being our supplier ;)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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