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Hello from Canada

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Hi everyone,


I'm a Canadian airsofter (been playing since I was 19, so about 11 years) out of Ottawa, Ontario.


I have a lot of family in the UK and Ireland (dad was born and raised in the UK), and in October I'm coming over for several weeks to catch up with the fam.


I was wondering where the best place to look for event information would be. I often work with several of the local field owners around Ottawa and have run a number of my own MilSim scenario games (prefer those to skirmishes, but as long as I'm getting trigger time I'm happy either way). Even if I don't get a chance to play, it would be nice to hang out at a game and see how you guys run things and compare notes on how things run here - always looking for new ideas for the field.


I'll be around both London and Lancaster for different parts of the trip, from October 10 - 24.


From what I've read so far, seems like a good group of guys on here so any advice would be appreciated.





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Are you planning on bringing your own kit over here with you?


I'd be interested to know what happens regarding customs etc.

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nice to see other contries get involved with airsofting but be carefull sometimes you get people that has a grudge against canadians i only don't like calafornians and new yorkers but i think canadians are allright plus they got an epic flag :lol:

oh and welcome AF-UK

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  Kieron said:
I think Canadians`are a lot cooler than we are =)


Ooh ... winter jokes? Haw-haw. :D


I have no plans to bring my AEGs with me - we are allowed all-black, metal AEGs here without any special licenses and I don't really want to start my trip in a locked room with HM Customs.


However, if anybody is looking for some cheap CADPAT kit and will be in an area I'm visiting let me know. Our surplus stores are overflowing with issue CADPAT gear at incredibly low prices. Packing a few sets of camo into my luggage wouldn't be an issue.


I'm curious about the FPS comment though - what are your FPS limits? In Canada, by law all AEGs have to be under 500 fps with .2s (otherwise they are considered to do "bodily harm" and are classified as firearms, requiring a license to own, transport and buy). However, all fields in Ontario have a strict field limit of 400 fps for anything that can do full-auto, and 450fps for bolt-action. That's with .2s, and all guns are chronied at the start of each game. This is required by the insurance companies that insure the field owners, so it's adhered to rather firmly.


The US is quite different ... a recent game at Fort Drum, NY at their MOUT facility some guns were hitting 600 fps. There was blood. It was my first game there and I doubt I'll be going back, even though playing at a real MOUT facility on a US base was epic.


And Bulld0g - our flag is truly Canadian. Some dude got drunk on Molson beer and just said "screw it, stick a leaf on there" then went back to drinking in his igloo. ;)

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Welcome to the forums :)


Here AEG's are generally perceived to have a limit of 328 fps, however at a lot of sites this is 350 fps, and some undoubtedly higher still.

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