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Buying RIFs outside of the UK


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Hey guys,


I was looking to get an M110 by VFC but can't find it in the UK. Has anyone ever used Redwolf airsoft or WGCShop.com before?


Are they trust worthy websites?


Many thanks

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Wgcshop is slow as fuck. They always seem to find an excuse for delayed dispatches which always annoys me. Next time I avoid them altogether and it's gonna be a last resort to buy anything from them.


Somehow impulse101 managed to get a delivery to my doorstep within a week and Japan is even further than Hong Kong. And you pay the same amount of money for delivery on both websites...


Never bought anything from Redwolf can't comment on that.

Edited by Krisz
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Bear in mind that by purchasing from outside of the UK you are the ‘importer’ and are taking responsibility for ensuring that it gets through customs.


That includes:


1) any additional charges from HMRC/Border Force and fees from the carrier at point of entry for administering those (though if the retailer has registered with HMRC and charge you UK VAT at the point of sale they should be marking the package and paper work accordingly and you shouldn’t incur further charges/fees)

2) justifying the import of a RIF, ideally with a valid UKARA membership number which the retailer will ideally clearly mark on the package and paper work

(Other VCRA defences are available but it’s nobody’s problem but yours if it isn’t accepted on arrival 


Ask UK retailers if they will import on your behalf even if they don’t list the specific items.


That way they deal with the importing via their suppliers and relieve some of the common issues 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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