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Magazines don't stay in Gun


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Hi Folks,


Currently have an issue with G2H magazines not staying in the magweld. As soon as I put one in, it drops out


I should mention this is a new gun, hasn't been fired yet, came with one mag that worked fine. Followed this up by ordering 2 G2H Mags of a different kind still 308 G2H compatible. As soon as that mag went in it got jammed and wouldn't come out. So this might have been wrong on my part but I used a lot of force whilst holding the mag release in order to get it out.


Having done this neither of the 3 magazines lock in.


Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this.

Game day is this Sunday :/


Hope this makes sense.



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More info needed.




- I'm assuming the gun you've got is one of the G&G TR16 308 derivatives?

- If yes to the above, the two extra mags you ordered - were they G&G, or another manufacturer?

- Have you inspected the inside of the magwell for any damage to the mag catch itself? Perhaps some pics would help.



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1 hour ago, TobiasC95 said:

I used a lot of force whilst holding the mag release in order to get it out


You had to do what you had to do.


And you're going to have to examine the magazine catch to see if it's been damaged.  It should just need one screw removed from the release button, then you can pull the button out, and push the release out the other side.  There's a spring in there, be careful that it doesn't escape during disassembly.


If it's damaged and needs replaced, sorry, I've no idea if it's a generic M4 release, or 308 (or G&G 308) specific.  Repair might be problematic as anything you stick or solder onto the catch to build it back up again is likely to be rubbed off.  You might be able to drill and put a very small screw or dowel through it (from the outside-in) to get it to catch again.


What I will say is that there are no real standards in airsoft, and magazines can be fussy.  I had to enlarge the cutout on some magazines to get them to lock into Ex-Workmate Eddy's G&G CM16 reliably, so it's not your fault, you're a victim of circumstances.

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Tobiasc95, first thing to check is the magazines. Check that the indent that holds the mag release catch is clean and undamaged. If they are then the issue is likely in the magwell.

If you undo the screw on the larger paddle side of the mag release you should be able to remove all of the parts and inspect them. 

If the magazines are okay, then you should be able to gently bend the mag release bar to move the hook part of the unit more into the mag well.

Pictures will help greatly if following the above doesn't make sense or doesn't work. 


For future reference if a magazine gets jammed in the mag well undoing the screw on the large mag release paddle allows the entire catch system to be pushed through and off the well completely.


If you need any other info I've done quite a bit to my g&g 308 so stand a good chance of being able to answer questions.

Edited by concretesnail
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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