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RIF declaration form


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I ordered some mags from evike europe and received them a good while ago, however today UPS has emailed me saying i need to fill out a rif declaration form? why would i need to fill one of these out 2-3 weeks after its already arrived?

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Just ignore it. UPS are arsehats, it’s not a legal requirement, just them being stupid.

As long as you have your stuff, it’s all cool

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Yeh UPS do this for everything from an airsoft supplier even if not a RIF.  Could be a screw for a magazine floorplate and those wankers would still want a form

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  On 29/06/2022 at 16:53, LiamOT21 said:

ah right, thanks fellas. Said they were gonna start charging me for storage of the package (which is in my fuckin hands 😂) but thought id just ask anyways



Email them back and ask the to stop harassing your or you’ll sue them

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  On 29/06/2022 at 16:53, LiamOT21 said:

Said they were gonna start charging me for storage of the package (which is in my fuckin hands 😂)



Have a laugh with it, send them a picture of the mags literally in your hands. ;) 

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  On 30/06/2022 at 08:59, EvilMonkee said:

Charge them for the pain of having to reply to their fuckwittery



£19 an hour is the litigant-in-person value accepted as reasonable by courts.


And remember, lawyers always round up. ;) 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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