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ARP 556 loose charging handle


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Doing a bit of maintenance this evening as had a very loose charging handle on my ARP 556, clipped the spring and reworked to shorten it and wobble all sorted.


Can anyone spot the small but significant mistake I made after re-assembling?!? 🤣
Took me a few minutes to figure it out!




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9 hours ago, concretesnail said:

Are you going wide bore barrel, really wide bore. ;)



After my brain fart and spending a full 5 minutes wondering what I had done wrong and couldn’t  see the hop up adjustment anymore it clicked - behold the ultra wide bore room sweeper!

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Atl set you didn't get to a game day to find out your mistake!


We went to the department last weekend and my mate @Vote4wes went to chrono his honey badger to have the BB's just roll out the end. He'd forgotten to out the inner barrel back in!!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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