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Galaxy MP5K ‘death machine’ conversion and holster setup?


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Managed to remove a 315gram lead weight out of the thing!  Comical, does feel much better now though and weighs around double my pistol 1250g, defo more side arm stuff now 


The nozzle did screw off anti-clockwise in the end.  

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19 hours ago, Halo said:

Managed to remove a 315gram lead weight out of the thing!


Huh, where was that?  I haven't seen anything similar inside mine. 

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Probably not as the MAC11 and MP9 both have the mag in the pistol grip. The vertical foregrip may also cause problems 

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So I can confirm that the Emerson holster works a treat, even more so with a one point sling with QD also!  This is with a x3 + Sparc + mag!  Ordered on eBay came from China in about 10 days surpringly

I added a picatinny QD offset mount for the one point sling I added meaning one press of the QD buckle and I’ve instant access to the Galaxy.  Now I’m able to throw the rif to the rear with an Emerson 2 point sling and switch to the MP5K in a matter of seconds.

There are also two straps with the holster I can thread through the trigger area but you can get away with just the one point sling which is perfect!  The other use of the one point is to act as lanyard but also at a push just let the mp5 go and transition to the rif.  

If I know I’m moving for a while I put one of the straps on for good measure, is also holds a MP5 mag which is very useful, when it’s on I barely feel it.  There’s also quick a thick non slip thigh strap too which is solid.  It also also strong Velcro straps in the perfect position and fits into a combat belt perfectly.


I also had the strike system but taking that back as its cumbersome and it hangs too low down, it’s hard to get it higher and seemed to hit my knees.  It might be possible to adjust it more but there are some holding covers that get in the way.







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Can anyone recommend an 8.4v battery that’s slimmer than the original one that came with my galaxy that would still fit given the mosfet wiring etc?




One on left is a 1200 mah 7.4v 20c one on right is an 8.4v 1100 mah ni-mh


Shop replaced with a 7.4v but I’m wondering if that would reduce performance at all?




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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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