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Any airsofters in Bromsgrove?


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Hi all,

I began playing airsoft back in 94’ with springers then stopped in 2000 to pick it up again three years ago.

im interested to see if there’s other players local who would be interested in meeting up for a game?

I can only do one a month currently due to family commitments.



Edited by Eddairsoft
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  • Eddairsoft changed the title to Any airsofters in Bromsgrove?

Hi Edd & welcome!


Gloucester's not a million miles away but I won't be venturing too far until the summer's over. It's definitely on my list of places to visit so will give you a shout when I start planning it, although it sounds like your weekends are as busy as mine! - do strikeforce do midweek games?


Figure I'd best also get in a shout for @GAMBLE's YouTube channel - always worth a look.



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I'm in stourbridge and I go to Ace airsoft in wolverhampton.


They currently run 2 or 3 games a month, the next is on the 1st of august and another on the 8th


I'll be going to the one on the 8th

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi buddy, you aren’t too far from me, I’m in Evesham so not a million miles away 😁

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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