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Cylinder:Barrel Volume Ratio for .32g Bbs?


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Hello everyone,

In my setup I have 280/6,03 prometheus barrel and stock type 2 cylinder. Trying to get 1.6j with .32g bbs. But I have started thinking about cylinder to barrel volume ratio.

Barrel's volume is 7,99cm3

Cylinder has port in 60% of height from cylinder head. By subtracting head's height it lefts 16,65 cm3, so my cylinder to barrel ratio is 2,08. Do you think I could handle .32g with this? I am worry that it might be to hight and I should look for cylinder with port in half.

I meet a lot of theories about the ratio so far. Some people say that from .30g bbs, your ratio should be at least 2:1: https://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/threads/what-barrel-length-goes-with-what-bb-weight-in-an-aeg.55635/#/topics/55635?page=1. In theory it gives the bb the air cushion and stabilize it before left the barrel.

On the other hand we have people who say, that you just need a little bit more air to stop pushing the bb when its out the barrel, to not blow it away or turn into inproper spin which can affect bad accuracy at the end of bbs fly path: https://airsoftranch.com/optimal-cylinder-to-barrel-ratio-simplified-airsoft-guide/


I am just tired with reading of all this and currently have no idea where the true is. What is your opinion?

Sorry if something may look not clear enough. English is not my native 😛 

Edited by Baldzior
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where's @Sitting Duck when you need him?


tbh, i've never really fussed too much with volume on aeg's, yes it is a thing but being out by a bit doesn't have nearly the same effect as the same applied to say an hpa setup (where over/under voluming really does screw up your groupings)


as a general rule i tend to go with either not messing with it, or leaning towards over-volumed. granted i tend to go more for the tight bore rather than wide bore barrels.


honestly, getting the rest of the gun right tends to be much more important, perfect volume is pointless if the hop/air seal is bad or you're slinging poor quality ammo or have a bad barrel.

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Thank you for interest in this topic.


22 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


honestly, getting the rest of the gun right tends to be much more important, perfect volume is pointless if the hop/air seal is bad or you're slinging poor quality ammo or have a bad barrel.

Yeah, I agree with you. Good quality bbs are 50% of successful build in my opinion. The air seal, hop up system, good barrel... there is a lot of factors. The ratio is one of them. Maybe it is not as much important, but its still here. 

Acually I just starting working on gearboxes. Know how to fix my and my friends replicas when something is broken or just do simple maintanace. But still I can't get the ratio topic out of my head. Just like to know how things works and looking for knowledge. Everyone would like to have perfect replica I believe  :) 


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I agree, this is one for @Sitting Duck


(I think we need a third invocation to summon him)


All I'd say is that with a 1.8J DMR build I went with a full cylinder for a 455mm barrel, because with DMR rate of fire, I don't have any concerns about PME or sucking when I should be blowing, and I reckon if just enough is good, then more must be better, right? ;) 

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10 hours ago, Baldzior said:

Yeah, I agree with you. Good quality bbs are 50% of successful build in my opinion. The air seal, hop up system, good barrel... there is a lot of factors. The ratio is one of them. Maybe it is not as much important, but its still here. 

Acually I just starting working on gearboxes. Know how to fix my and my friends replicas when something is broken or just do simple maintanace. But still I can't get the ratio topic out of my head. Just like to know how things works and looking for knowledge. Everyone would like to have perfect replica I believe  :) 



sounds like you've already got a good handle on what the fundamentals need to be. as i mentioned my general approach with voluming is to not mess with it (so keep original cylinder porting and barrel length for a given gun). bearing in mind .32's is my standard weight (ie i don't use anything lighter)


in the past i used to just throw full cylinders into everything and tbh it didn't really make much odds compared to getting everything else dialled in. like i say only time i've ever noticed it having a really notable effect was on hpa systems, where getting it tuned for a given ammo weight did make a difference, but that's a different animal.


8 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

I agree, this is one for @Sitting Duck


(I think we need a third invocation to summon him)


All I'd say is that with a 1.8J DMR build I went with a full cylinder for a 455mm barrel, because with DMR rate of fire, I don't have any concerns about PME or sucking when I should be blowing, and I reckon if just enough is good, then more must be better, right? ;) 


do we need 3 different people or if i call @Sitting Duck does it still work?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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