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Please Help Me Removing a Delta Ring


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I have a KWA Ronin T10, and i would like to replace the original handguard with a MK18 Ris handguard, that comes with a delta ring that is different from the one that is fitted on my Ronin. The problem is, i can’t remove the KWA Delta Ring, no matter what i do. I’ve tried blowing it with my heat gun and torquing it, i have also tried WD-40, i even dented the upper receiver because of the torque applied and it just won’t come lose. I am attaching pictures so you all can see it. If you guys could please recommend me a solution, i would really appreciate it.



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Seems KWA get the Hulk to tighten their barrel nut 



Sounds like brute force and ignorance is the order of the day!

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Either heating it up or putting it in the freezer for a while may/will likely help.


Given the design of the barrel nut I’d put a suitably chunky Allen key (or similar) in one of the holes on the barrel nut and start tapping said Allen key around with a hammer/mallet. An AR block would help but I’ll go ahead and assume you don’t have one.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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