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What Are the Best Barrel and Hop up Upgrades.


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Oof, 213fps with 0.25g is just 0.52J, under half the power you should be getting.  If that's a stock spring, your air seal is... well, not sealed. You're not likely to solve that with a barrel and hop.


There's something quick you can try, which is to open it up and put silicone oil or spray into the nozzle.  Give it a swirl around and some time to soak into the piston and cylinder head rings, then give it an auto burst before re-assembling to get most of it out.  While it's apart, take the barrel out of the hop unit and check the rubber for signs of damage or perishing. If it's stiff, give it a lube with silicone oil then a thorough clean out.  When you put the barrel back in, be sure that it's pushed all the way back into the hop unit, and that the clip is properly engaged.


After doing that, if it's still under-powered, I'd suggest opening the gearbox up and lubing or if necessary replacing the piston ring.


If you want to dive ahead and change the barrel and hop rubber then I'd suggest a ZCI 6.02mm or AOLS 6.01mm, and a Maple Leaf hop rubber, and a omega nub clone from https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/


But that won't cure your air seal issues, unless it's just down to a perished hop rubber or mis-seated barrel.

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rogerborg summed it up pretty well, as he mentioned your problems are almost certainly more than a barrel/bucking change are gonna solve.


i'd reckon this is a combo of both poor air seal and a really shoddy fps downgrade to get it under uk limits, a lot of times shops seem to consider that coiling up some grated cheddar and throwing it into a gun is a perfectly acceptable means of dropping the power down within reasonable limits. in fact gunfire is the only shop i've seen who's idea of an fps downgrade is actually an acceptable amount of power.


leave the hop and barrel alone and look at the air seal, new o ring on the piston head, some ptfe round the cylinder head (or a new cylinder head if you wanna do it properly), a new nozzle with a sealing ring (make sure you get the length right) and a new spring will work wonders.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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