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Closely Balanced Decision to Make, New AEG or HPA Existing Gun


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(I suppose this post is a bit of a "chew the fat" / "speaking out loud" post, however I'd be interest in others thoughts)


So, a few key things are about to happen to me regarding airsoft...


# I'll have UKARA membership.
# I'll be a member of a site under 10 minutes drive from me that offers members free HPA refills.


... and I want to make some changes to my existing pew pew or buy a new one. So I see two options...


# Set myself up for HPA on my gas AAP-01 that I use as a primary, so goodbye cooldown, be able to use it all year round outdoors and have an indoors CQB beast.

# Buy a Double Eagle M904E, with no silly blue paint on it this time, and batteries + bucking + a few different springs.


... both of which will cost me roughly the same amount. I'm leaning towards HPA, however the AAP-001 is the only gun I have but I could pinch my son's Glock 17 temporarily and use all the HPA kit / mags in this, or should I have a proper Plan B and get the M904E so that I have at least two guns just in case?

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14 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

... it just takes the site's compressor to be down and it's better to still be able to play.


Bugger, cold logic gets in the way... I bet you're fun at parties 😉

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31 minutes ago, MiK said:


i mean cheaper than a gym membership?


22 minutes ago, Fatboy40 said:


Bugger, cold logic gets in the way... I bet you're fun at parties 😉


not logic, experience sadly. what's even worse is having a backup aeg, not bringing it, then finding out the compressor is down......

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The follow up is how well versed are you with general maintenance, because you'll need to be regularly stripping a lubing with HPA. It's extremely dry i.e. no lube in it. The follow up being how's your knowledge of the AAP in terms of the parts which crap out quicker than others, do you know where to source them at prices you're willing to pay, in a time you're happy with and would you be comfortable fitting them in a safezone. Because they're all questions you should know the answer to, whether you HPA it or not really... but moreso if you HPA it (because lets be honest, you're going to be cranking that regulator as close to the limit as you can), and it's the only RIF you own.


Follow up to those, insert all of the above questions in relation to RIF maintenance and apply it to your HPA kit (mags, regulator and tanks). Because if any of it fails on site and you don't either know how to fix it, or don't have what you need to repair it the words 'shit creek' and 'without paddle' come to mind.


If you're set on going HPA with the AAP I'd strongly recommend going the Primary Airsoft adapter rather than tapping mags. Reloading tapped mags when it's your only RIF is a cumbersome mess and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. You've already thrown realism out of the window, get an adapter and take full advantage of the speedsoft life you've chosen to live (but will deny till the end of days). It's additional cost, but it's vastly superior to tapping mags imo.


Yes, I'm also fun at parties. Yes, these questions come from experience. Goes without saying I'd advise getting another RIF (seemingly an AEG) before jumping into HPA... but this very much feels like a 'convince me not to HPA' thread than it does a 'I'm genuinely stuck between these two options'.


P.S. Brucey Bonus of Buzzkillington, bear in mind the changes you may need to make to your kit to ensure you're still carrying everything you want plus your HPA equipment. I ran HPA for about 3 years and threw in the towel earlier this year because I couldn't be bothered with always having to find somewhere for the tank to go on my person. That was a big deal for me, it's obviously much less of an issue for others.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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