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Getting Semi Auto on a Microswitch?

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36 minutes ago, HuttArmouries said:

Im looking at bulpupping one of my old guns and id like to run a microswitch at the front so it dosent have the crappy trigger pull. Whats the bset way to get semi auto while doing that? 


bit of a tricky one.


what type of box is it?


if it's a standard v2/v3 then you could feasably use an internal mosfet and re-wire just the trigger externally (i'm thinking of something like an ascu where there's a convenient microswitch)


otherwise it's a case of a microswitch under the col, but getting it to trip and wait for the trigger reset rather than re-engaging the moment the sector rolls over is beyond my electrical knowledge.

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if it was a std v2/v3 then then easiest option would be something like the G&G ETU setup


NB: I said easiest but still a LOT of fucking about


Point being is the switch module uses a pos supply to 3 switches


so it returns a positive signal from 3 switches to inform the mosfet what state of play is


In this scenario you would simply exntend the wiring from trigger microswitch up to front of gun

and if box stays put with selector etc...

then it will work with a remote trigger switch firing the gun


however the mosfet is shit so likely need replacing with Peru ETU

even though another £40 - it is all starting to add financially not just actual work involved


you could use other variants of fancy bollox internal mosfets

but the rather simplified ETU would be easier to extend than a more intricate all in one pcb mosfet

and the more modern optical units - well you'd need a far greater understanding of electonics

to extend or convert optical switches/sensors to ye olde anologue/mechanical switch for trigger


when my ETU shit the bed years ago - I did look at a crude system of latching transitors

to utilise the ETU in gearbox, but could not get a couple of basic transistors to switch/latch

& then unlatch as I needed to just use the ETU as a simple semi/auto setup

(you touch the trigger once quickly - it switches closed and latches until the cycle is complete

and the COL then pops and it unlatches and stops the power mosfet 3034 etc...)


yeah somehow the various states of the latching never quite worked out exactly as intended

no matter what I tried & threw together on a pcb breadboard = so fuck it I gave up

(and clever cunts Perun sorted out ETU options thank fuck)

but I went back to old school trigger in the fucked FFR A2 anyway


No matter what - this project you propose will no doubt have a fuck load of headaches to overcome

but something lke the wanky ETU setup is likely to be required with extended trigger microswitch


yeah I would think long and hard if the project is truly viable in the end

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4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


bit of a tricky one.


what type of box is it?


if it's a standard v2/v3 then you could feasably use an internal mosfet and re-wire just the trigger externally (i'm thinking of something like an ascu where there's a convenient microswitch)


otherwise it's a case of a microswitch under the col, but getting it to trip and wait for the trigger reset rather than re-engaging the moment the sector rolls over is beyond my electrical knowledge.

standard v3 ak


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If the box is a standard v3 ak box and the bullpup setup would normally us a trigger lever system, you could use it and drop something like the titan optical in.

It can have the sensitivity ramped up so that even with the lever system in place you aren't increasing the ratio movement need to fire by adding the leverage.

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5 hours ago, concretesnail said:

If the box is a standard v3 ak box and the bullpup setup would normally us a trigger lever system, you could use it and drop something like the titan optical in.

It can have the sensitivity ramped up so that even with the lever system in place you aren't increasing the ratio movement need to fire by adding the leverage.


think the issue is that any kind of transfer bar is still gonna be pretty spongey compared to a microswitch.


certainly that's the way i'd so it, just accept it's part of the trade of going bullpup

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