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Would Using an 11.1 Lipo Instead of 9.6 Be Safe for My New Gun?

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The gun I've got is a "cyma cm.076 ak full metal long"

I'm wondering if I would be safe to be using the 11.1 in place of a 9.6, the gun is fully stock internals.



cyma cm.076 ak full metal long

Thanks guys

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Some here may have other opinions but mine would be NO, stick to 7.4v LiPo

A 7.4v LiPo will still perform a bit better than the stock battery.


It would probably work for a while but its not designed for that kind of electrical power.

The motor will suffer, no MOSFET so the trigger contacts will arc like crazy, the gears would have to be well shimmed or get chewed up and the bearings would take a pounding. 

Something will fail sooner rather than later and when it does it won't be pretty.

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I personally always use 11.1v. No matter what gun in the past no issues.
Besides everyone needs a flamethrower

while on the frontline. 😏

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depends on your definition of "safe"


assuming the gun hasn't had a shoddy downgrade meaning it's trying to spin a really underpowered spring then rof wise it should be fine without exploding.


however, as @EDcase points out that's not the only element of longevity, and arcing out trigger contacts is gonna be a concern, granted the contacts will carbon up/arc out on any battery even nimh running 11.1 is gonna really cut down how long before you're gonna have to go in there and replace them.

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