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Cyma Ak105 Upgrades Required?

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Hello everyone,


I started airsoft in 2005, and stopped around 2010 for family and financial reasons (with the odd game on and off since then), I say this as a kind of pre-apology for the possibly noob-like nature of my query - I aim to get back into the sport, hit the ground running, and this is where I hope you come in. This isn't a simple 'what gun should I get?' but more a 'what should I do to X AEG once I've got it, to make it more like Y AEG?' (hence the positioning of this particular thread in the technical section).  


Still owning my ancient, trusty JG Aug A2, my first goal will be to earn my UKARA registration once more... and then the true fun shall commence!


So, as per the title, am looking to get an AK, and have over the past few months steadily acquired a Russian loadout to compliment it; I want the AEG to be medium-sized, so preferably in the area of an AK105. It should be able to take some beating both internally and externally, have a high rof (will preferably use an 11.1v LiPo), and shoot accurately at 330fps.  


My budget is £300 (before battery and midcaps) and from looking at countless reviews, and several hours of YouTube, I've narrowed it down to two choices:  


G&G RK47E - Comes straight out the box with internals that offer pretty much all the things I want, it seems; it's comparatively light, made from Aluminium, has a rather high rof (18-20rps on 11.1v, I gather) and the built in MOSFET can be programmed for burst fire. It's almost perfect...almost. But all that RIS... Feels somewhat sacrilegious to me, overly 'westernised' (for want of a better expression). I've always shied away from that sort of thing tbh - Multicam, countless M4 variants, FAST helmets, plastic holsters, etc. just not for me.   


To be quite honest, I prefer the look of the AK105 almost untouched save for, say, a side mounted weaver rail for a Kobra red dot.    


Enter the Cyma CM040D - Looks precisely like what I want in an AEG AK, is cheap at (almost) half the price of the G&G, and is built out of steel. From what I understand, it's a VFC copy internally, which lends itself to being easier to upgrade; so that leads me to my main question (got there in the end):     


Please could you advise what it would take to get the latter up to the specs of the former, in terms of rof, internal longevity, accuracy, and reliability? Could I buy this CYMA AK and get it upgraded for the same cost of the G&G? I hasten to add that I'm certainly no airsoft engineer - I'll need to pay whoever I buy this from to do the job; with the Cyma being around £180, would the £120 in parts and labour be enough to get it to my desired, Russian holy grail of AEG's?    


Appreciate the advice in advance guys, apologies to the mods if this is in the wrong place.    


All the best. 

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it depends on what how far you want to go.


personally, if you want a really nice solid ak at £300 then i'd be looking at the E&l 105's, https://gunfire.com/en/products/el-104-assault-rifle-replica-gen-2-1152202733.html (it's a 104 i know but for airsoft purposes you pretty much switch the mag to a 5.45 style and it's a 105)


out of the box it'll run pretty damn snappy on 11.1v and aside from a little hop tweaking (ie fitting something like a macaron/omega nub combo) and a basic mosfet to preserve trigger contacts it's eminently fieldable.



i'll not knock the cyma guns, if you know your teching you can easily get them shooting every bit as well as the e&l's for much less money, however the externals aren't going to be quite the same level of shiny.


for the cyma's you'd have to do some air seal work as well as the bucking/nub but it'd probably work out cheaper. certainly the motor/gears will be perfectly fine with a good mosfet.

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Thanks Adolf Hamster, appreciate the words of advice.


Any more for any more?

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I have the G&G Rk-74 E and the mosfet is wank


if you do get one then I recommend switching the stock mosfet for a upgraded perun unit


I gutted my gearbox and replaced pretty much everything and now I get around 32rps at about 320 fps with an 11.1 lipo


I mostly play cqb so the rof doesn't matter to me but it's responsive and hasn't let me down yet


oh and the perun unit also plays smooth criminal when the battery is low if you keep trying to fire

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Budget for the Perun if you get the G&G.  


I have a soft spot for CYMA AKs, they are solid, but they are basic.  As said above, bucking/nub and air seal required.  

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Thank you gentlemen for your replies, and merry Christmas.


Have to say that I'm starting to angle more towards the G&G, given all their plus points.


To those who own/have owned them, did you have difficulties with certain mags? Research points towards issues with other manufacturers' midcaps. I'd be looking to get a bunch of these, or something thereabouts (5.45 style):




Thanks again.

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