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Realistic *Looking* Optics

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What I actually use in games is either point shooting, built-in irons, replica ACOGs or budget RS red dots (mostly primary arms) that can hack being shaken around; but I'm after some replicas just for pics.  I know a few of you here are really in to that stuff.


Any recommendations on replicas of the latest models of EoTechs, Aimpoint T-2s, any Trijicon stuff etc etc with the most realistic trades and factory stickers etc please. Specifically where to pick them up.

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@TheFull9 Holy Warrior EOTech’s, Vortex’s, Aimpoint’s I’ve had and are all pretty much identical to the RS, I’ve done direct comparisons.


What are you looking to do though, “close enough” or do you actually need to fool firearms experts with  photo’s? Not judging, just asking.

*edit also Trijicon’s and magnifiers almost exclusively through Holy Warrior, some through Besthunter, all readily available on Aliexpress 


BUT expect huge delays from China into the U.K. dues to both COVID and BREXIT. 




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Cheers for the input guys, definitely the right kinda stuff.  I suppose you could say fool people in the sense that I want people looking at the pictures who own the real thing to at least not immediately think 'ew cheap clone' but equally I'm not trying to pretend I've got something I don't, it's literally just to get the right aesthetic.  I spend more time taking pictures than shots these days, my RIFs are just one of my favourite subjects for photography.


Some of it is a little more than I'd want to spend for 'things' to hang on the pic rail for photos, but there's some good options on there.  Like this one for example, pretty much a perfect example for my purposes (assuming they've edited out the trades) - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001593031578.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6ff33fc13yavfp&algo_pvid=93c721d7-b46e-4cc3-9352-38e9c52b48e4&algo_expid=93c721d7-b46e-4cc3-9352-38e9c52b48e4-0&btsid=2100bde716078102897014653e5110&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

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49 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

Cheers for the input guys, definitely the right kinda stuff.  I suppose you could say fool people in the sense that I want people looking at the pictures who own the real thing to at least not immediately think 'ew cheap clone' but equally I'm not trying to pretend I've got something I don't, it's literally just to get the right aesthetic.  I spend more time taking pictures than shots these days, my RIFs are just one of my favourite subjects for photography.


Some of it is a little more than I'd want to spend for 'things' to hang on the pic rail for photos, but there's some good options on there.  Like this one for example, pretty much a perfect example for my purposes (assuming they've edited out the trades) - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001593031578.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6ff33fc13yavfp&algo_pvid=93c721d7-b46e-4cc3-9352-38e9c52b48e4&algo_expid=93c721d7-b46e-4cc3-9352-38e9c52b48e4-0&btsid=2100bde716078102897014653e5110&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

My buddy has the working version. It’s polymer, but identical shape and trades to the real thing otherwise (he works at a firearms dealer, inc. section 5, so has access to compare to the real thing)

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