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Mk23 DMR Kit Upgrade List

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Ello again. Im building a mk23 DMR using TrungTheMaker's mk23 kit. Im going to be using a Nov SSX-23 simply because I can get one off a friend cheap, and if I mess up when hacking it apart … Well, who really cares? Im planning to place an order from Hadron for a TDC, but I come to you guys for a full upgrade list. Not looking to do custom stuff yet in terms of quieting and such - purely looking for parts right now. I need a 300mm barrel, bucking, H-arm or whatever, etc. Ideally Id stick with all things from Hadron (barrel is gonna have to come from somewhere else obviously), but Im kind of clueless on H-plate vs FANG plate, single vs double vs triple adjustment TDC, etc. So tell me what to buy haha.

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Hadron TDC - get the three screw one so you can fine tune the hop. Hadron H plate (that replaces your hop wheel and hop arm). Airsoft mechanic Flamingo 50 degree bucking. These are all the mods you need. Well for a TM mk23 that is. 

Then there’s the barrel.... 

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Neither, get the H-Arm from Hadrons which replaces the standard arm and removes the need of an additional plate/key piece.


The double screw works like the stock SRS hop, it's better for extremely fine tuning of the hop, the triple screw top just merges the two together.


Good luck with the build

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9 hours ago, AlphaBear said:

My bad, I meant the H Arm (the blue CNC machined one) and not the H plate...


11 hours ago, Skara said:

Neither, get the H-Arm from Hadrons which replaces the standard arm and removes the need of an additional plate/key piece.


The double screw works like the stock SRS hop, it's better for extremely fine tuning of the hop, the triple screw top just merges the two together.


Good luck with the build


This all I need? I’m aware I have two of each part - one for the carbine mk23 and one for the pistol mk23, hence the bucking differences. Figured as long as there’s no downside I might as well go with the triple TDC, feel free to correct me otherwise. For a barrel for the carbine - PDI, Lamda, prommy, etc what would y’all recommend?



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Go with the triple TDC... You can always just use the one screw... It's all trial and error at the end of the day and whatever floats your bb (see what I did there lol)


And yes, the list above is complete sensa the barrel of course.... 


p.s. I'm waiting till Friday to order some bits.... lol

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On 23/11/2020 at 04:56, SeniorSpaz87 said:

For a barrel for the carbine - PDI, Lamda, prommy, etc what would y’all recommend?

No clue, I don't have much faith in expensive barrels.

As long as it's straight and the inner finish isn't shit, pick whatever is cheapest.

Been pleasantly surprised by a humble €25 AA 6.03x300 in my striker, I thought it was going to be crap but it's actually pretty good!

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