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Can Any Gas Gun Be Converted to HPA?

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Is this what HPA tapping means?

Does this conversion happen only at the magazine or any internals of the gun need to be changed as well (depending on the gun I assume)? If this happens at the magazine only, does that mean I can use the game gun with gas in the summer and HPA in the winter just by exchanging magazines?

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Yep, hpa tapping is just replacing the gas valve at the magazine. You can swap them over if needed. Just lube the output o rings if using hpa all the time so they dont dry up.

No internals need swapping, but again, make sure the gun is oiled well.


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There are a few gas guns which have the input valve up near the output valve, (eg GHK,VFC) That will need the magazine drilled and tapped.

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Awesome! That means I can use the same gun on summer and winter, just by 'swaping magazines'!

Assuming I maintain my gun the day before and the day after each game, how many rounds can I put through it before it starts getting damaged? Can it handle a milsim weekend?

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The gun wont be damaged unless your turning the pressure up to gain energy, if your keeping it shooting the same as green gas then it'll last just as well with proper maintenance.

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As someone who has HPA tapped and HPA converted several gas guns, the above answers cover the gist of HPA tapping. Most GBB guns can have tapped mags quite easily, and yes you can switch back and forth between tapped and GG mags. Some non-GBB guns can also be HPA tapped (and im not counting NBBs like the mk23 which have similar gas reservoirs to GBBs) if they have an internal tank with an external fill valve. HPA converting is more difficult; ranging from simplier conversions like that of gas shotties to modified conversions (like my soon to be shown A&K M1982 HPA conversion) to full blown HPA conversions like a Daytona kit. Probably 85% of HPA'd GBBs will just be tapped though. 

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I run with a WE 416C with a hpa tapped armorer works drum mag. It's an absolute blast! not completely "authentic" if you want to go that route, but the cost of the drum mag compared to several gas mags was the deciding factor for me.

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