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Pre Loaded Mags

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So I'm in the habit of loading my mags the night before a game.this saves time and wastage on the day and leaves me more time to drink coffee and mooch around.

Question is though, if on the way to game, I'm  stopped by plod for whatever reason, could I be in trouble for having loaded mags in my range bag?


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Pre loaded magazines that are packed in your kit are fine.


Slotting one in the gun could be heading to ‘transporting a loaded air weapon’ (but would also breach the rules of loaded guns in the safe zone as you unpack, and as you’ve thought about it enough to ask the question I’ll classify you as not a dick)


((Technically airsoft guns are no longer low power airweapons with a new(ish) entry in firearms legislation that exempts compliant airsoft guns from being a firearm))



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Thanks guys. In the grand scheme of things I guess it's not too heinous a crime.

I shall carry on loading with love then 👍


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9 hours ago, Tommikka said:

‘transporting a loaded air weapon


Only applies to shotguns.  However it's always worth noting that IFs (realistic or otherwise) require a reasonable excuse to be taken out in public.




A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on him) he has with him in a public place

(a) a loaded shot gun,

(b) an air weapon (whether loaded or not),

(c) any other firearm (whether loaded or not) together with ammunition suitable for use in that firearm, or

(d) an imitation firearm.

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