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Buffer Tube Friendly Lipos

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Hey all!
Ive just purchased a Specna Arms Edge SA-E19 - Basically a Mk18.

So im in search of a 7.4v Lipo that can fit in the buffer tube of this gun (as I have a Magpul CTR stock for the gun so cant make use of the crane stock).

Ive found a few online but i dont want to risk trusting the website dimensions and they turn out to be too big. Id rather get advice from someone that has actually achieved this.


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Call componentshop, their sizes are accurate & they'll know what fits.

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27 minutes ago, Ad_ said:

I had to get some buffer tube lipos recently for my HK416A5; these are the ones I got & they fit nicely: https://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1300mah-25c-continuous-discharge-lipo-battery-101mm-long.html


Absolute legend! Thats all i needed to know. Thanks so much dude!

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You can also use these (Cheaper, slimmer and Deans Connectors fitted as standard)



I have both Hobbyking and the Vapex ones in the Component Shop link above. Both will fit in an Edge buffer tube . The Hobbyking is fractionally longer, but much slimmer, and still sits fully in the 'tube.


I would recommend the Hobbyking ones over the Vapex ones, not for fitment, but for performance. They definitely kick out more power - less voltage sag under load.


Be careful with the Gate X-ASR, with both batteries you will have the MOSFET, connectors and wiring sticking out the end (pictured). You could do some damage if you forget and try and fully collapse the stock with force.


Pics of the batteries in my son's Specna Edge (E08):



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Cheers Speedbird! Fortunately im a longboi so I have my stock out anyway, so the wires poking out wont be a problem! 

I also like what youve done with the velcro on the stock tube! I used electrical tape to get rid of the wobble but it hasnt worked too well. Going to give this a try later!

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1 hour ago, CaptainDumbass said:

I also like what youve done with the velcro on the stock tube! I used electrical tape to get rid of the wobble but it hasnt worked too well. Going to give this a try later!


Top tip: if you do get any LiPos from Hobbyking, their Velcro is amazing - it's used to hold batteries onto racing drones and RC aerobatic aircraft etc and is legendary in the RC community - it has the strongest self-adhesive I've come across. Well worth 4 quid for a meter and loads of uses for it.



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