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G and G Ak5c/Gk5c - Swedish House Mafia.

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Perusing over some gorgeous M90 pattern camo. 


Thinking of buying some to give me an excuse to pick up an AK5C. Unfortunately despite my usual bargain hunting this does seem to be a fairly expensive rifle everywhere (Cheapest was about 320 quid not shipped from Spain). 


Worth it? Some of the reviews I have seen are less then stellar. Some people mentioning that the iron sights don't actually match up with the rail etc. 


What is the difference in the GL and the DGL? I see the stock is different. 


I don't mind the heft of the rifle. 



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The FNC is similar, could dress one up to match the ak5c ?, Although they're also pretty rare so whether you'll find one ?

I had the all metal star version, couldn't fault it.

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I've had a cursory glance at the AK5C in the past due to my love of less common guns. From what I can recall the internals were mostly reported as being reasonably solid but like many older G&G the externals were apparently where it came into its own.


I have one of the older production runs of the G&G Sig 553, and while it certainly has some quirks, it is a solid gun and very satisfying in terms of external feel. The internals were a fairly standard V3 gearbox but to be honest it had a once over to correct the shimming etc and for some basic upgrades such as tightbore barrel and mosfet etc. If my Sig553 is anything to go by then I'd be inclined to allot additional funds in case you come across any areas which need attention but it should be a pretty solid gun.


The big issue with going for more niche guns is that there's even less reliable information out there than for your more common models. While I can't guarantee your experience would be the same as mine, G&G do hold a pretty good reputation and they are considered one of the better brands in airsoft.


I'll do a bit of digging today once I get some downtime and see if I can find some reviews/feedback which may help further, given that mine is based on an entirely different model.


As far as differences go here is a link to the official product page, this might help answer any technical queries.

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I'm not sure how helpful this is but the biggest consistent criticism I've found relates to the hop unit being pretty sub-par but apparently this is a standard part and there are plenty of options on the market. Beyond that the gearbox is a pretty standard V2 from what I've read thus far.


I really shouldn't be reading up on this gun as it simply looks stunning in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I owned an GK5c for about 2 years when it first came out.

Still one of the best guns I've ever had out of the box. I accidentally broke the hop chamber playing around with different hop rubbers too much. Luckily Got a replacement from a well known shop in Poland.

I used 7.4 lipos on deans and I never had a problem.

Shot straight. Lifted .32g but I used .25.

I was using lonex flash mags most of the time with little to no issues with other brands when people tossed me mid caps in a fire fight. (They do gk5c waffle mid caps if you can find them).

Got perfect size lipos from component shop after a quick measure.

Very few come up 2nd hand and when they do there damaged. I'm waiting for my ukara to renew (when covid f***s off) and Ive decided to get another one. 

Oh and only sold my first one due to lack of playing time and a change in circumstances.

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