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Stuff That's Useless, but That Doesn't Stop You

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13 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


pretty easy with only 0.5j to play with, but still possible. but like i say i think it's too good for me to call it useless lol.


when carrying 2 or more perfectly serviceable guns that out strip it in every way it becomes a little defunct. But for challange and fun factor it has in abundance. And looking pretty, I can't state that enough.

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2 minutes ago, heroshark said:

when carrying 2 or more perfectly serviceable guns that out strip it in every way it becomes a little defunct. But for challange and fun factor it has in abundance. And looking pretty, I can't state that enough.


i absolutely agree, it's  a great sense of acheivement to get a kill with a gun so tiny :P

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So far I’m just guilty of glow sticks on my plate carrier and a PEQ on my M4. 


I was at my local CQB site a few months ago..... before the dreaded lockdown😭.... and a glow stick got hit by a BB without me knowing. Next thing the Marshall looks at me and says ‘you’re glowing!’.


Spose I should take them off now then ha!

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Being a 52 year old noob And a tad on the porky side, I quickly discovered pretty much all the cool looking british army gear (plate carrier, 3l water bladder etc) turned me into a mobile sauna! Humping around any extra weight (aside from me) was killing me, i am not saying i am one kebab away from a heart attack but it sure as hell feels like it! So now unless its freezing cold i drop everything i can aside from boots, ppe and a few mags.

do i regret all those ebay bargains? Hell no, its half the fun

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