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Ghk G5 or Vfc Ump

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Hi guys,

Here my doubt:

I'd like to buy my first GBB gun and ideally i'd like to have an smg that could have good performances in the oudoor field as well. 


My first choice, for the aesthetics, was the VFC UMP while the second option was the GHK G5.

I read tons of reviews (also here), but many of them are really old....but I came up with this opinion:



- VFC is not really know as a good gbbr brand (but many reviews are old...is this still the case?) 

- UMP seem to be a no longer produced model...all of the videos/reviews are very old so I could have problems also in finding mags and parts.

- it hase huge mags (are they really unconfortable to play with?)




- GHK is one of the best brands with TM, higly reliable 

- G5 could be a the perfect choice, it only have a small issue in the lower receiver but I read mixed opinions about the gen2


So I'd really love to have some recent feedbacks on both guns because my head tells me "get the G5" while my heart scream "give a chance to the UMP" however I really want to avoid to waste money on a gun always broken, with mags that start to leak after few games.



many thanks in advance :) 



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From what I've heard the newer G5s have a more more reinforced lower but if you're still not confident that's it's strong enough there is the epoxy mod that involves filling all the cavities in the weak point with a 2 part epoxy. 

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  On 07/04/2020 at 18:29, PopRocket123 said:

From what I've heard the newer G5s have a more more reinforced lower but if you're still not confident that's it's strong enough there is the epoxy mod that involves filling all the cavities in the weak point with a 2 part epoxy. 



  On 07/04/2020 at 20:57, Davegolf said:

Il say it... TM MP7 👀


I already have the AEG version and yeah it's great...I also know the gbbs is among, if not, the best....but since i already have one mp7 i'd like to switch :)


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  On 07/04/2020 at 22:50, jsmithski said:

Stay away from VFC UMP. It’s really bad and if you’re not into gbbr teching then pick something else.




So VFC has made no improvements in their GBBR smg's? 

Do you own a UMP? 


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  On 07/04/2020 at 22:53, Seabass said:



So VFC has made no improvements in their GBBR smg's? 

Do you own a UMP? 



I own the first version of their mp5 gbbr. I made it to shoot just as good as my MWS but it took me months and lot of aftermarket parts. I’ve seen a YouTube detailed review of the UMP and it’s not made any better. It looks kinda cool but that’s pretty much all you can say about it.

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  On 07/04/2020 at 21:06, Seabass said:


I already have the AEG version and yeah it's great...I also know the gbbs is among, if not, the best....but since i already have one mp7 i'd like to switch :)




Fair enough, although at least you'd already have all the right pouches and you'd be able to drive it fast because you are familiar with the platform 👍


Now i I haven't owned a Scar H GBBR which I'm told is a hoot but the MP7 GBBR was by far the most fun gas gun I ever had, and with MWS accuracy to boot

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My G5 is 100% reliable and I used it indoors all the way thru the winter where it was colder side than it was out side GHK all the way 

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