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A sad day, no more Practical Pistol at Hockley

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Bad, sad news tonight.


MPA in Hockley are closing for the foreseeable future on Mondays and Tuesdays, due to the C19  Pandemic, so nice more Practical Pistol for our little band  of airsoft brothers


@Dan1712 @Cyberlawyer 



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11 minutes ago, Nunfa1 said:

To be expected, unfortunately. Surely they're not carrying on with skirmishes though?

Taking it day by day I think, as nobody knows what’s happening

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Hopefully this will be a temporary hiatus for you guys, once everything settles down again, fingers crossed, normal service will resume ?

1 hour ago, Nunfa1 said:

To be expected, unfortunately. Surely they're not carrying on with skirmishes though?

The issue & concerns may not be entirely about transmission etc, until forced to shut the doors for safety, some organisations may be streamlining services to only what's 100% financially viable ?

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6 hours ago, Tackle said:

The issue & concerns may not be entirely about transmission etc, until forced to shut the doors for safety, some organisations may be streamlining services to only what's 100% financially viable ?

Almost entirely this for the moment I think, but the situation is changing too rapidly to second guess what’s goi g to happen this afternoon, so who knows ?

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18 hours ago, Nunfa1 said:

Gutted, might have actually got the MP5 working this week. :(

Is about time it "worked" 😂




Not sure how I'm gonna fill in my Tuesday evenings anymore 😭

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31 minutes ago, Dan1712 said:

Is about time it "worked" 😂


"time" is relative.😂

I did actually having it firing BBs in the garden on Sunday! Got a nice red dot from JP at the boot fair to go on it as well. 😞

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1 hour ago, Dan1712 said:


Not sure how I'm gonna fill in my Tuesday evenings anymore 😭

teach yourself machining, and make all the replacement parts for your Vector and FPG that you’ll ever need 👍🏻

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