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Gas 6 shot marui type m870 with foldover stock

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Has anyone fitted a foldover stock to a marui type 6 shot shotgun? 

It turns out the maruzen type fit, it'll require a teeny bit of modification to be perfect, then it's a case of running it as hpa. I personally think it looks awesome. 



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58 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

Do want! Minus the HPA of course.

The hpa will pay for itself in 6 months instead of chewing through gas. Also, it means I can feed it shells all day and not worry about having it run dry somewhere inconvenient. 

I held a position last game day for 5 shotshells, and was overrun when I ran out of gas. 

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Looks cool. I'd still rather stick to gas or just get the springer if I wanted that stock. Being tethered to my gun with an hpa line and having to carry a bottle is not my bag. As for running out of gas in the shotty, just carry a pistol. 

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3 hours ago, Cromulon1994 said:

foldover stock to a marui type 6 shot shotgun? 




3 hours ago, Cromulon1994 said:

then it's a case of running it as hpa



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I have ended up fitting a Cyma foldover to it as it all lines up better. Photo to prove it's all together not just posed for a photo.

I don't mind hpa but each to their own. 


1 hour ago, heroshark said:

Looks cool. I'd still rather stick to gas or just get the springer if I wanted that stock. Being tethered to my gun with an hpa line and having to carry a bottle is not my bag. As for running out of gas in the shotty, just carry a pistol. 


Springers are fine, but the 6 shot performance is what sells the gas one for me. 



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21 hours ago, Rogerborg said:







Just found this in the garage. 

Wouldn't need to be hpa'd... 

Despite looking totally fucked, the gas mag is gas tight and the release tab is good. 



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