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Golden Eagle M870 Gas


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Quick review of the Golden Eagle m870, as some are from rather dubious sources. 

I've owned all sorts from model gun company oddities to the aa12, I'm not too fussed to say if I have bought something a bit shit, frankly I'll say so. 


Like the WE Luger I bought and am certainly not bitter about. 


Anyway, It comes in a decent box, with 3 shells, and a speedloader. 


I'm 2,000 rounds into this gun now, backyard arsing around and a full day of cqb at the mill. It's more than the luger managed. 


Externally: The paint finish is average to poor, however the wood is of a relatively decent standard of finish.

The controls feel positive and there's very little wobble.


Skirmishing: Mine has been consistently gas tight, and you can expect 4 to 5 shells from 1 gas fill. I initially thought the gun was broken from the start, as it took a lot more effort than I expected to cock. The mechanism has taken some wearing in, getting smoother and easier as it is used. 


6 shot is where it's at with this, it overhops 0.25s on 3 shot, whereas on 6 shot the grouping is perfect for airsoft use and the range is more than adequate. The same can't be said for a certain piece of Chinese made knockoff ger... Getting sidetracked.

It does seem to be quite picky on shells, this may be something that beds in with further use, or it may not be., further time will tell. 


Something important to mention is I've had 4 or 5 jams over the course of the day, all but one very easily sorted. Most of these were this morning. This may be another case of bedding in, and is also common to the original marui. 


On the whole, I'd reccomend one. 


Unlike a WE luger, they're shit. But that's another story. 















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  • 3 weeks later...

Further update. 

The hop rubber was deformed by ASG blaster's 0.25s shit quality control. 

Nothing wrong with the gun at all. 


The whole bottle I skirmished with was like this, and I never noticed as they were poured straight into speedloaders. 

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  • 2 months later...
  On 22/05/2020 at 10:16, LoneTactix said:

What is the fps of it and how was the accuracy given its length?


280 on 0.25s, 30 yards and you'll have a person size spread.

It has been a great gun to be honest.

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  • 1 year later...

Also...bear in mind I found both my speed loaders to have pointy plastic casting bits where the plunger pushed bbs.. I have since sanded down and smoothed off on both and I must say how much smoother loading is, and much less chance of damaging bbs marking them or causing dimples while loading..

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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