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Is my helmet too big?

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Hello guys,


no sexual jokes please! Haha 😂


I purchased a helmet on amazon, and I liked it because it had pads on the inside that can be removed, repositioned and washed if needed. Also, I hate having the  bike helmet type helmets which the black foam on the inside as it makes my head sweat.

The helmet is larger than most others I see and does come out further around my head than most others.


My question is, does it look too long big for a helmet?




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7 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

Bad idea asking that

haha! good point lol - edited ;)

But I was hoping to get an idea of whether in general the helmet looks too big.

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Looks fine to me. Mine looks bigger then that. As long as its not slipping about on your head then I don't see a problem. 

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it looks like the right size, but it's not in the right place, the brim of the helmet should sit a couple of centimetres above your brow, not halfway down your face. 


readjust your straps and pads and it'll look much better. 

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15 minutes ago, jcheeseright said:

it looks like the right size, but it's not in the right place, the brim of the helmet should sit a couple of centimetres above your brow, not halfway down your face. 


readjust your straps and pads and it'll look much better. 

thank you! Il give this a try. It does tend to just sit naturally as per the pictures. I will try adjusting straps.

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Always measure your head circumference before buying helmets as yes they make different sizes and if you don't have a properly fitted helmet it won't be as comfortable. Brands like emerson and FMA usually say in the sales description what range of head circumference they will fit. If you are buying after market straps you will need to measure your head height as well. IMO the helmet looks a bit big but it could just be how you have your pads setup and the shell of the helmet is probably thin. If your helmet fits snug on your head and you don't get any headaches then dw about it.



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