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WE L85A2

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I'm not quite sure, but the only thing I can think of it's that it's a G&G, which of course is impossible because G&G's have a precocking and G&G stamped on the side of it, but they do have a 20mm dovetail style rail.


Maybe the previous owner (if it had one!) fit a G&G rail to the Ares? It's possible I suppose.


No previous owner, he bought it new from Wolf Armouries. I might ring them and ask about it.


Tbh I'm really very glad, it's saved him having to spend another £13 on the conversion rail.

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My acog fits on my aa r85 rail, And a star (ares) susat also fits the same rail, so it can't be that uncommon

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  • 2 months later...

on the subject of GBBR's Your M16 is it a closed bolt system or Open? if it is closed then that your problem right out of the box. the Close system on M16 are crap.... the new open bolt is by far better!


You can tell but pulling the charging handle back and if you see a brass tube then its closed, but if there is nothing there and you can see through the mag well then its open.


Always try and go for open bolt systems they are by far the best for GBBR :)

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  • 1 month later...
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I missed the boat on this by just a bit lol.


It was the closed bolt, yeah. But it's gone now, I miss it :( *sniff*


Upgrading to open bolt seemed like a bit off a massive faff anyway, wasn't the kit like £100+ and then I'd have to buy a new set of mags too - not a cheap process as I'm sure you know.

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I'm actually seriously considering getting one after unlocking it on Battlefield xD


I wasn't really a fan of the look before but I properly love it on BF for some reason.

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