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Good Cheap V3 Mosfet

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13 hours ago, AK47frizzle said:

Avoid jefftrons. They heat up quite badly and the drain your batteries twice as fast than a regular mosfet.


This was maybe true with the older generation (I never tried them) however on testing the latest V2 Mosfet drop-in for the past 3 months I had no problem.  Not 100% sure of the new Leviathan, however not seen any reports of battery drainage.

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Well from what I could see the problems only arise from running full auto above 25-30 rod.


I'll think about it, I've been very spend happy and could do with a break from Airsoft.

I might use the time to just go straight in with a Wolverine reaper.

Shame it went, first half of the day was a blinder, kept snipers on their toes for sure.

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